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Displaying posts with tag: perl (reset)
Perl DBD MySQL for MySQL 8.0 and 8.4 LTS

Some years ago, I wrote an article on connecting to MySQL 8.0 using the default authentication plugin (caching_sha2_password) with Perl. I also provided Perl-DBD-MySQL packages for EL7.

Somebody recently left a comment as he was looking for a perl-DBD-MySQL driver compatible with the caching_sha2_password for Rocky Linux 8 (EL8 or OL8 compatible).

Therefore, I build two new packages supporting the latest perl-DBD-MySQL driver, version 5.005.

The difference is related to the version of libmysql they are linked to. for MySQL 8.0 and for MySQL 8.4 LTS:

MySQL 8.0

$ rpm -qf …
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AlmaLinux MySQL+Perl

A quick primer on Perl programs connecting to the MySQL database. It’s another set of coding examples for the AlmaLinux instance that I’m building for students. This one demonstrates basic Perl programs, connecting to MySQL, returning data sets by reference and position, dynamic queries, and input parameters to dynamic queries.

  1. Naturally, a is a great place to start:
    # Hello World program.
    print "Hello World!\n";

    After setting the permissions to -rwxr-xr-x. with this command:

    chmod 755

    You call it like this from the Command-Line Interface (CLI):


    It prints:

    Hello World!
  2. Next, a program lets us test the Perl::DBI connection to the MySQL database.
    # Import libraries.
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use v5.10;     # for …
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Text processing experiments for finding the MySQL configuration files

When it comes to configuring MySQL, a fundamental step is to find out which configuration files the MySQL server reads.

The operation itself is simple, however, if we want to script the operation, using text processing in a sharp way, it’s not immediate what the best solution is.

In this post I’ll explore the process of looking for a satisfying solution, going through grep, perl, and awk.


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Perl & MySQL 8.0

If you just migrated to MySQL 8.0, you may have seen that the default authentication plugin has been changed to a more secure one: caching_sha2_password and I’ve already written some articles about it.

Now let’s discover how Perl users can deal with MySQL 8.0.

The driver to use MySQL with Perl is perl-DBD-MySQL. MySQL 8.0 is supported but the new authentication plugin might not be. This depends of the mysql library linked during compilation of the module.

problem connecting to MySQL 8.0

The error you may encounter is the following:

DBI connect('host=localhost','fred',...) failed: Authentication plugin
'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded: …
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Innotop for MySQL 8.0

Recently, I did some maintenance on Innotop and I merged several pull requests including one to support MySQL 8.0 (thank you yoku0825 for the contribution).

As you know, Innotop is written in Perl and to be able to use it with MySQL 8.0, you need to have Perl DBD for MySQL compatible with MySQL 8.0 too (a driver that support the new default authentication plugin, caching_sha2_password).

If you are using Fedora 29, I created such package and you can download it here: …

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MySQL Enterprise Audit – parsing audit information from log files, inserting into MySQL table via LOAD DATA INFILE and Perl script

The MySQL Enterprise Audit plug-in is part of the MySQL Enterprise Edition (available through a paid license). Basically, Enterprise Audit tracks everything that is happening on your MySQL server, and can be used to protect/detect the misuse of information, and to meet popular compliance regulations including HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, and the PCI Data Security Standard.

MySQL Enterprise Audit uses the open MySQL Audit API to enable standard, policy-based monitoring and logging of connection and query activity executed on specific MySQL servers. Designed to meet the …

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Complete Megalist: 25 Helpful Tools For Back-End Developers


The website or mobile app is the storefront for participating in the modern digital era. It’s your portal for inviting users to come and survey your products and services. Much attention focuses on front-end development; this is where the HMTL5, CSS, and JavaScript are coded to develop the landing page that everyone sees when they visit your site.


But the real magic happens on the backend. This is the ecosystem that really powers your website. One writer has articulated this point very nicely as follows:


The technology and programming that “power” a site—what your end user doesn’t see but what makes the site run—is called the back end. Consisting of the server, the database, and the server-side applications, it’s the behind-the-scenes functionality—the brain of a site. …

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Easy-to-use Perl scripts to backup your MySQL database with mysqldump and FTP the files to a remote server

Most users of MySQL utilize the mysqldump utility to backup their database. While mysqldump is handy and easy-to-use (and free), if you have data which is important to your business, then you should take a look at the MySQL Enterprise Edition – and use MySQL Enterprise Backup instead. The MySQL Enterprise Backup allows you to backup your database without the table locking you get with mysqldump. And, it is extremely fast – especially when you have to restore your database. Here is a sample speed comparison between MySQL Enterprise Backup and …

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Add RSS feeds to your Twitter stream using MySQL and Perl

Adding good content to Twitter can be a pain. I can’t do it during working hours, and I don’t have much time at night. But, the more content you have, the more followers you can gain, and the more your original tweets can be seen (hopefully).…

Use MySQL to store data from Amazon’s API via Perl scripts

I really like and I have been a Prime member for several years. Along with millions of different items for sale, Amazon has an affiliate program, where you can earn money advertising products on your web site. When a visitor to your site clicks on a link and orders a product from Amazon, you earn a small commission on the total sale. As an affiliate, you have access to Amazon’s Product Advertising API for obtaining product information. But, you can use this information for many other purposes.

The Amazon API is like most other API’s, and their API web site provides you with code examples and explains how it all works. I am going to show you how a Perl program which you can use to access the API data and store it in a …

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