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Displaying posts with tag: metrics (reset)
Blip: A New Open Source MySQL Metrics Collector

Blip is a new open source MySQL metrics collector, or “MySQL monitor” for short. But isn’t collecting MySQL metrics easy? And don’t we already have some open source MySQL monitors? Let’s take a trip down memory lane

Blip: A New Open Source MySQL Metrics Collector

Blip is a new open source MySQL metrics collector, or “MySQL monitor” for short. But isn’t collecting MySQL metrics easy? And don’t we already have some open source MySQL monitors? Let’s take a trip down memory lane

Blip: A New Open Source MySQL Metrics Collector

Blip is a new open source MySQL metrics collector, or “MySQL monitor” for short. But isn’t collecting MySQL metrics easy? And don’t we already have some open source MySQL monitors? Let’s take a trip down memory lane

MySQL Threads Running

Queries per second (QPS) measures database throughput, but it does not reflect how hard MySQL is working. The latter is measured by Threads_running, expressed as a gauge (whereas QPS is a rate). Before discussing Threads_running, let’s consider an analogy:

MySQL Threads Running

Queries per second (QPS) measures database throughput, but it does not reflect how hard MySQL is working. The latter is measured by Threads_running, expressed as a gauge (whereas QPS is a rate). Before discussing Threads_running, let’s consider an analogy:

MySQL Threads Running

Queries per second (QPS) measures database throughput, but it does not reflect how hard MySQL is working. The latter is measured by Threads_running, expressed as a gauge (whereas QPS is a rate). Before discussing Threads_running, let’s consider an analogy:

Monitoring S.M.A.R.T. Metrics with Prometheus and PMM

In his excellent blog post, Pavel Trukhanov showed the value of S.M.A.R.T. metric collections, so I wondered how hard would it be to enable their collection in Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM)

A quick search led me to the  text_collector plugin SmartMon, which can be easily integrated with any Prometheus Installation

For PMM, Vadim Yalovets recently showed how to do …

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New Stats Exposed in Go's database/SQL Package

If you’re someone who keeps up with the Go development cycle, then you’ll know that a couple of weeks ago Go entered its feature-freeze for the Go 1.11 release. One of the changes for this upcoming release that caught my eye was to the database/sql package. Daniel Theophanes contributed a change that introduces several new counters available via the DB.Stats() method.

If you’re not familiar with it, DB.Stats() returns a DBStat structure containing information about the underlying sql.DB that the method is called on. Up to this point, the struct has had a single field, tracking the current number of open connections to the database. Daniel’s patch introduces a number of …

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New Stats Exposed in Go's database/SQL Package

If you’re someone who keeps up with the Go development cycle, then you’ll know that a couple of weeks ago Go entered its feature-freeze for the Go 1.11 release. One of the changes for this upcoming release that caught my eye was to the database/sql package. Daniel Theophanes contributed a change that introduces several new counters available via the DB.Stats() method.

If you’re not familiar with it, DB.Stats() returns a DBStat structure containing information about the underlying sql.DB that the method is called on. Up to this point, the struct has had a single field, tracking the current number of open connections to the database. Daniel’s patch introduces a number of …

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Percona Monitoring and Management 1.8.0 Is Now Available

The latest release of Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) 1.8.0 is available as of February 27, 2018.

Percona Monitoring and Management is a free and open-source platform for managing and monitoring MySQL and MongoDB performance. You can run PMM in your own environment for maximum security and reliability. It provides thorough time-based analysis for MySQL and MongoDB servers to ensure that your data works as efficiently as possible.

This release introduces many improvements in the user interface and optimizations of performance.

New landing page

The home page has been removed in favor of the …

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