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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL (reset)
MySQL Router bootstrap & “conf-set-option”

I thought I’d share a quick addition to the MySQL Router bootstrap command and hope it helps others, as always.

First of all, you all know the MySQL Router documentation, and have probably looked into a specific option when executing commands, but I’ve found one quite handy that allows me to add in certain parametrization for my routers: –conf-set-option

It’s simple to use, so I’ll just share what I used as a reference and let you play away.

mysqlrouter --bootstrap icadmin:'MyP4ssword!'@node01:3306 \
--name="router_node1" --account=routerAdmin \
--conf-base-port=3306 --report-host=rtnode01 --conf-use-gr-notifications \ …
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16 Best MySQL GUI Clients for macOS

Take a look at the most convenient and user-friendly MySQL GUI tools (clients) that help you tackle a variety of database development, management, and administration tasks on macOS.

The post 16 Best MySQL GUI Clients for macOS appeared first on Devart Blog.

MySQL latest performance review

This article is focused on describing the latest performance benchmarking executed on the latest release of MySQL and Percona. 

In this set of tests I have used the machine described here.  


There are many ways to run tests, and we know that results may vary depending on how you play with many factors, like the environment or the MySQL server settings. However, if we compare several versions of the same product on the same platform, it is logical to assume that all the versions will have the same “chance” to behave well or badly unless we change the MySQL server settings. 

Because of this, I ran the tests changing only things in a consistent way, with the intent to give the same opportunity to each solution., with the clear assumption that if you release your product based …

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Methods to Copy Data Using dbForge for MySQL

Data copying and migration are essential database tasks that arise frequently. Many tools assist database professionals in performing these tasks, with dbForge Studio for MySQL standing out as the most reliable solution.

The post Methods to Copy Data Using dbForge for MySQL appeared first on Devart Blog.

Using Blue/Green Deployment For (near) Zero-Downtime Primary Key Updates in RDS MySQL

Large tables can pose challenges for many operations when working with a database. Occasionally, we may need to modify the table definition. Since RDS replication does not use asynchronous for its replication, the typical switchover procedure is not feasible. However, the Blue/Green feature of RDS utilizes asynchronous replication, which allows us to update the table […]

What’s the Cost of Counting MySQL Table Rows?

What index will be used when you count all rows in a table? Well, the MySQL documentation provides a straightforward answer to this, quoting: InnoDB processes SELECT COUNT(*) statements by traversing the smallest available secondary index unless an index or optimizer hint directs the optimizer to use a different index. If a secondary index is […]

preFOSDEM MySQL Belgian Days 2025 – Agenda

The preFOSDEM MySQL Belgian Days 2025 will occur at the usual place (ICAB Incubator, Belgium, 1040 Bruxelles) on Thursday, January 30th, and Friday, January 31st, just before FOSDEM. Again this year, we will have the chance to have incredible sessions from our Community and the opportunity to meet some MySQL Engineers from Oracle. DimK will […]

Attaching a Percona Monitoring and Management Graph Image Along with an Alerting Notification

This article will be helpful if you use the Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) instance and alert notifications, as it is nice to capture the image of the graph when you receive the alert. We will see how to capture and attach the image of the graph when receiving the alert notification (email, telegram, Slack, […]

MySQL with Diagrams Part Two: How KILL Works

Here is part two of my MySQL with Diagrams series (Here’s part one – MySQL with Diagrams Part One: Replication Architecture). We are going to explore how MySQL handles thread termination using the KILL command, as visualized in the provided diagram, and provide sample demonstrations to help you better understand. Many people think they know […]

Tracking MySQL Query Plans Part I and Rebooting This Blog

Did you ever need to determine the performance of a query over time? One of the problems with database query optimizations is that the underlying data is always churning. Add in an increase in the number of users, expanding server demand use, and other items that impact your query. What was optimized is no longer performing as expected.

MySQL added a JSON format option to the output of the EXPLAIN command quite a while ago. More recently, Oracle added the feature of saving the output into a variable (see and This provides a way to access the data in that variable and plop it into a database. The saved result can be compared to current or other past responses for analysis. 

mysql> explain format=json into @var
       SELECT * from …

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