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Displaying posts with tag: cli (reset)
In a proxy-ed world, where do connections come from?

Overview The Skinny

Database Proxies provide a single entry point into MySQL for the calling client applications.

Proxies are wonderful tools to handle various situations like a master role switch to another node for maintenance, or for transparency with read and write connections.

However, when the time comes to perform the switch action, all of the calling clients have been funneled through the proxy, so identification of the calling host from the database itself becomes difficult.

The Problem What is going on?

Let’s illustrate how not knowing the source of a client connection can be an issue for the database administrator…

In the following diagram, three client applications connect to a Tungsten Cluster via the Connector proxy:

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Slick Command-Line Tricks for a Tungsten MySQL / MariaDB Database Cluster

Overview The Skinny

Tungsten Clustering provides high availability, disaster recovery, and a host of other benefits for MySQL / MariaDB / Percona Server databases. In this blog post we will explore some of the shell aliases I use every day to administer various Tungsten Clusters.

Shell Aliases: A Quick Review Quick and Easy

A shell alias is simply a way to create a shortcut for frequently-used command sequences.

For example, I like to shorten the command clear to cls, i.e.

shell> alias cls=clear
shell> cls

If you create an alias on the fly it will be lost when the shell exits.

To save aliases so they are available to all shell sessions, update your shell’s profile or rc script.

For example, add the below line to the bottom of …

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Create Aurora Read Replica With AWS CLI/Lambda Python

Today I was working for a scaleable solution in Aurora. Im going to publish that blog post soon in Searce Blog. As a part of this solution, I want to create Aurora read replicas programmatically. So we have done the create aurora read replica with AWS CLI and Lambda with Python. If you refer the …

The post Create Aurora Read Replica With AWS CLI/Lambda Python appeared first on SQLgossip.

Create Aurora Read Replica With AWS CLI/Lambda Python

Today I was working for a scaleable solution in Aurora. Im going to publish that blog post soon in Searce Blog. As a part of this solution, I want to create Aurora read replicas programmatically. So we have done the create aurora read replica with AWS CLI and Lambda with Python. If you refer the AWS Doc, they mentioned there is no separate module for creating Aurora Read replica in boto3 or cli. Instead we can use create-db-instance. Many people may confused with this term. This blog will help them to create aurora read replicas using AWS CLI and Lambda.

Required Permission:

If you are running this code via lambda then you can use the below policy.

  • Lambda - Create a new role for lambda and attach inline policy
  • EC2 Role - Create a new …
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MySQL Shell with Command Completion

MySQL ShellCLI Interfaces are usually boring, ASCII-ish functional interfaces that are as about as exciting as paint drying or end user license agreements for your rice steamer. They get the job done but no excitement. The new MySQL Shell (mysqlsh instead of mysql at the command line is a great new tool but like its predecessor it is not exactly visually dynamic.

Until Now.

At there is a new version of the MySQL Shell that adds some new functionality and some visual enticements. I was in a session at Oracle OpenWorld and was impressed by not only the visually stunning upgrade but by the fact that we now get command auto-completion!

You can login as you did with the old shell but then you see that little bit …

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How to Configure Aurora RDS Parameters

In this blog post, we’ll look at some tips on how to configure Aurora RDS parameters.

I was recently deploying a few Aurora RDS instances, a process very similar to configuring a regular RDS instance. I noticed a few minor differences in the way you configure Aurora RDS parameters, and very few articles on how the commands should be structured (for RDS as well as Aurora). The only real literature available is the official Amazon RDS documentation.

This blog provides a concise “how-to” guide to quickly change Aurora RDS parameters using the AWS CLI. Aurora retains the parameter group model introduced with RDS, with new instances having the default read only parameter groups. For a new instance, you need to create and allocate a new parameter group (this requires a DB reboot). After that, you can apply changes to …

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My MySQL command prompt

Earlier this week we had a discussion with fellow DBAs about our mysql prompts, and at the end of the day it showed up, that a lot of us hit the same problem. The problem is, that when you set up your mysql prompt then ‘\h’ will be resolved to ‘localhost’ when you connect locally […]

My MySQL command prompt

Earlier this week we had a discussion with fellow DBAs about our mysql prompts, and at the end of the day it showed up, that a lot of us hit the same problem. The problem is, that when you set up your mysql prompt then ‘\h’ will be resolved to ‘localhost’ when you connect locally […]

The way I like to compile my Go programs – Makefile

I was on the quest of searching the Holy Grail of Go programming, and I found something, which I doubt that it is, but close enough – for the first sight.

I have several problems with GO, first, that I write my code on an OSX box, and I’ll run the programs on Linux hosts, so I have to solve the cross compilation; my second problem with Go, that I don’t really like the “There is a GO project folder, and all the GO projects are relying on” approach. It makes using GitHub painful.

The first problem of mine is easily achievable since GO 1.5: we only need a GOOS environment variable and we can compile to different OS-es (see more at Dave Cheney: easily.

The second problem is easily solvable too, just we have to start using the GOPATH variable for every GO project we have.

I don’t really want to use any external dependencies, so I decided to …

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My work environment

I was thinking if my work environment would be interesting or not, but I decided ‘yes’ – because I always like reading about others work env.

I am working with Linux/UNIX for more than 15 years now, and I have tried a lot of cool tools, but at the end, I always found myself using the same apps in terminal.

I like the unix philosophy about Do One Thing and Do It Well. I never really use big, bloated software, I like to use my editor for editing files, and my git client to use git. That’s simple.

Normally I work from a mac, but I have an installed linux based backup environment too, on a remote server which can be accessed via ssh.

The basic tool for me is iTerm2. The main features I use are split pane (cmd+D vertical, cmd+shift+D horiontal) and broadcast input (cmd+shift+I). I also like that it can be switched to fullscreen with cmd+enter. In …

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