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Displaying posts with tag: work env (reset)
My MySQL command prompt

Earlier this week we had a discussion with fellow DBAs about our mysql prompts, and at the end of the day it showed up, that a lot of us hit the same problem. The problem is, that when you set up your mysql prompt then ‘\h’ will be resolved to ‘localhost’ when you connect locally […]

My MySQL command prompt

Earlier this week we had a discussion with fellow DBAs about our mysql prompts, and at the end of the day it showed up, that a lot of us hit the same problem. The problem is, that when you set up your mysql prompt then ‘\h’ will be resolved to ‘localhost’ when you connect locally […]

The way I like to compile my Go programs – Makefile

I was on the quest of searching the Holy Grail of Go programming, and I found something, which I doubt that it is, but close enough – for the first sight.

I have several problems with GO, first, that I write my code on an OSX box, and I’ll run the programs on Linux hosts, so I have to solve the cross compilation; my second problem with Go, that I don’t really like the “There is a GO project folder, and all the GO projects are relying on” approach. It makes using GitHub painful.

The first problem of mine is easily achievable since GO 1.5: we only need a GOOS environment variable and we can compile to different OS-es (see more at Dave Cheney: easily.

The second problem is easily solvable too, just we have to start using the GOPATH variable for every GO project we have.

I don’t really want to use any external dependencies, so I decided to …

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My work environment

I was thinking if my work environment would be interesting or not, but I decided ‘yes’ – because I always like reading about others work env.

I am working with Linux/UNIX for more than 15 years now, and I have tried a lot of cool tools, but at the end, I always found myself using the same apps in terminal.

I like the unix philosophy about Do One Thing and Do It Well. I never really use big, bloated software, I like to use my editor for editing files, and my git client to use git. That’s simple.

Normally I work from a mac, but I have an installed linux based backup environment too, on a remote server which can be accessed via ssh.

The basic tool for me is iTerm2. The main features I use are split pane (cmd+D vertical, cmd+shift+D horiontal) and broadcast input (cmd+shift+I). I also like that it can be switched to fullscreen with cmd+enter. In …

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