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MySQL Router bootstrap & “conf-set-option”

I thought I’d share a quick addition to the MySQL Router bootstrap command and hope it helps others, as always.

First of all, you all know the MySQL Router documentation, and have probably looked into a specific option when executing commands, but I’ve found one quite handy that allows me to add in certain parametrization for my routers: –conf-set-option

It’s simple to use, so I’ll just share what I used as a reference and let you play away.

mysqlrouter --bootstrap icadmin:'MyP4ssword!'@node01:3306 \
--name="router_node1" --account=routerAdmin \
--conf-base-port=3306 --report-host=rtnode01 --conf-use-gr-notifications \ …
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HeatWave MySQL: Latest Enhancements in DB System access mode and security

Modern cloud databases need to offer flexibility in workload management, security and cross-region availability. To address these evolving demands, we have introduced new capabilities in HeatWave MySQL that improves operational efficiency and enables even more sophisticated deployment patterns.

16 Best MySQL GUI Clients for macOS

Take a look at the most convenient and user-friendly MySQL GUI tools (clients) that help you tackle a variety of database development, management, and administration tasks on macOS.

The post 16 Best MySQL GUI Clients for macOS appeared first on Devart Blog.

Changing HeatWave MySQL shape and configuration with minimal downtime

The Oracle HeatWave MySQL service offers users the flexibility to modify DB system shapes and configuration, enabling them to adapt to changing workloads and enhance performance.

In this blog post we'll share insights into the latest changes related to DB system shape and configuration changes, mostly focusing on the high availability and read replicas support.

Available now: OCI Database Management and Ops Insights for on-premises MySQL databases

OCI Database Management and OCI Ops Insights services deliver advanced capabilities to simplify the monitoring of External MySQL databases, offer detailed granular insights, and reduce the burden of managing infrastructure resources. Additionally, as a cloud-native, managed solution, these services eliminate the need to maintain the monitoring solution itself.

How to Configure a SQL Server Linked Server to Connect to MySQL

Explore how to connect it to a Linux-based MySQL server and read table data directly within SSMS with the help of ODBC driver.

The post How to Configure a SQL Server Linked Server to Connect to MySQL appeared first on Devart Blog.

MySQL latest performance review

This article is focused on describing the latest performance benchmarking executed on the latest release of MySQL and Percona. 

In this set of tests I have used the machine described here.  


There are many ways to run tests, and we know that results may vary depending on how you play with many factors, like the environment or the MySQL server settings. However, if we compare several versions of the same product on the same platform, it is logical to assume that all the versions will have the same “chance” to behave well or badly unless we change the MySQL server settings. 

Because of this, I ran the tests changing only things in a consistent way, with the intent to give the same opportunity to each solution., with the clear assumption that if you release your product based …

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Methods to Copy Data Using dbForge for MySQL

Data copying and migration are essential database tasks that arise frequently. Many tools assist database professionals in performing these tasks, with dbForge Studio for MySQL standing out as the most reliable solution.

The post Methods to Copy Data Using dbForge for MySQL appeared first on Devart Blog.

Using Blue/Green Deployment For (near) Zero-Downtime Primary Key Updates in RDS MySQL

Large tables can pose challenges for many operations when working with a database. Occasionally, we may need to modify the table definition. Since RDS replication does not use asynchronous for its replication, the typical switchover procedure is not feasible. However, the Blue/Green feature of RDS utilizes asynchronous replication, which allows us to update the table […]

Analyzing the Similarity of Spatial Trajectories in MySQL

In this blog post, we will explore how to use MySQL's spatial features to analyze the similarity of trajectories. We will focus on key metrics such as Frechet distance, which measures the similarity between two trajectories, and other geometric operations that help quantify how closely different paths align.

This functionality is available in MySQL Community and Enterprise Editions and HeatWave MySQL.

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