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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Tutorial (reset)
How to Add, Show, and Drop MySQL Foreign Keys

A key is typically defined as a column or a group of columns that are used to uniquely locate table records in relational databases (including MySQL, of course). And now that we've covered MySQL primary keys on our blog, it's time to give you a similarly handy guide on foreign keys.

The post How to Add, Show, and Drop MySQL Foreign Keys appeared first on Devart Blog.

How to Connect to a MySQL Database on a DigitalOcean Droplet Using dbForge Studio

Today, accessing and managing databases remotely is a fundamental skill for developers, system administrators, and anyone working with data-driven applications. In this article, we will demonstrate how to establish an SSH connection to a MySQL database on a DigitalOcean Droplet—a virtual private server that can host various applications and databases.

The post How to Connect to a MySQL Database on a DigitalOcean Droplet Using dbForge Studio appeared first on Devart Blog.

How to Remove Duplicate Rows in MySQL

Duplicates pose an ongoing risk to the data consistency and the overall database efficiency. This article will explore the issue of duplicate records, including their origins, the effects they have on databases, and strategies for swiftly detecting and permanently removing duplicates.

The post How to Remove Duplicate Rows in MySQL appeared first on Devart Blog.

Concatenate Strings in an SQL Query With Examples

Understanding how to merge or join strings together in SQL is crucial for handling data effectively. This is especially handy when you’re creating SQL queries, helping you combine info from different columns, make meaningful labels, and get data ready for analysis. In this guide, we’ll tell you how to write an SQL query to concatenate […]

The post Concatenate Strings in an SQL Query With Examples appeared first on TechBeamers.

How to Easily Convert Your MS Access Data to MySQL

Microsoft Access is a relational system for managing databases that is used to create small-scale databases for a single user or small teams. MySQL is a robust open-source relational database management system for more extensive data volumes and web applications.

The post How to Easily Convert Your MS Access Data to MySQL appeared first on Devart Blog.

The Difference between UPSERT & Insert

In MySQL, it is important to understand the difference between UPSERT and INSERT statements while working with tables. Understand the Difference Between UPSERT & INSERT The INSERT statement adds entirely new records to a table, whereas UPSERT combines the functionalities of both INSERT and UPDATE. UPSERT inserts new records into a table and handles potential […]

The post The Difference between UPSERT & Insert appeared first on TechBeamers.

How to Import/Export MySQL Data to SQL Azure: Using ODBC Driver for Data Migration

In this article, we'll briefly review some advantages of SQL Azure, a Microsoft cloud-based SQL database service, and explore how to export and import data between Azure SQL and MySQL server using a universal ODBC driver for SQL Azure and a powerful MySQL tool - dbForge Studio for MySQL.

The post How to Import/Export MySQL Data to SQL Azure: Using ODBC Driver for Data Migration appeared first on Devart Blog.

SQL Programming Test in 2024

Welcome to this amazing SQL programming test that will help anyone deeply interested in working with databases. This test will help you assess your strengths and find gaps in your SQL skills. Ultimately, you’ll know which part of the SQL you should focus on. Test Your SQL Programming Skills Before you delve into the questions […]

The post SQL Programming Test in 2024 appeared first on TechBeamers.


SQL table creation is a database operation that creates a new table using an SQL query. A table is a collection of data organized into rows and columns. Each row represents a single record, and each column represents a single attribute of that record. Understand SQL Table Creation To create an SQL table, you use […]

The post How to CREATE a TABLE in SQL appeared first on TechBeamers.

MySQL ROUND Function Examples

The upcoming tutorial will focus on the ROUND function, which is used to round numeric values for precision and accuracy. Rounding is vital in databases to avoid discrepancies in calculations, particularly with financial and scientific data. The article will provide practical examples and insights into effectively using the ROUND function for reliable results in dbForge Studio for MySQL.

The post MySQL ROUND Function Examples appeared first on Devart Blog.

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