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Displaying posts with tag: data compare (reset)
How to Rename a MySQL Database

When working with MySQL databases, you may encounter the need to change a database name. However, MySQL no longer supports a direct renaming option. The RENAME DATABASE command, available in earlier versions, was removed due to the risk of data loss. Despite this, renaming a database in MySQL is still possible. This article explores the […]

The post How to Rename a MySQL Database appeared first on Devart Blog.

Azure Database for MySQL: How to Connect and Migrate Databases with dbForge Studio for MySQL

In this article, you’ll learn how to connect to Azure Database for MySQL and discover three scenarios of database migration from MySQL to Azure using dbForge Studio for MySQL. The article demonstrates how to connect to Azure Database for MySQL Server via dbForge Studio for MySQL. It also explores three common approaches of using the […]

The post Azure Database for MySQL: How to Connect and Migrate Databases with dbForge Studio for MySQL appeared first on Devart Blog.

Extended Connectivity in dbForge Tools for MySQL

We are excited to inform our users that we have released new versions of dbForge Schema Compare for MySQL, dbForge Data Compare for MySQL, dbForge Query Builder for MySQL, dbForge Data Generator for MySQL, and dbForge Documenter for MySQL. We have introduced brand new connectivity features, including support for the latest MySQL Server, v8.0, and […]

Reinvented dbForge Tools for MySQL Have Arrived!

After a grand update of dbForge Studio for MySQL, we haven’t forgotten about the rest of the dbForge for MySQL product range. Our developers took maximum care of each and every MySQL tool and revamped them with specific new features and updates. All the tools have been enhanced with the cutting-edge connectivity and compatibility options […]

dbForge Data Compare for Oracle: new life to the product line

Recently our development efforts were focused on dbForge for SQL Server product line. We’ve made five major releases of SQL Server database tools in last 18 months. Besides, we’ve made two major releases of MySQL database tools in this period. Our Oracle database tools product line, once actively developed, was frozen for almost three years. Sure we made maintenance releases, but no new features and tools. Our Oracle tools even were not re-branded to dbForge for Oracle. But now we decided to breeze the new life into Oracle tools development.

The first tool in the dbForge for Oracle product line will be Data Compare. For the first release we decided to make a free tool with basic functionality:

  • comparison and synchronization of tables only (views are not supported)
  • table and column mapping (by name)
  • type conversion is …
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