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Displaying posts with tag: PHP (reset)
PHP and MySQL 9

As you can read in my previous post related to MySQL 9 and authentication, the old mysql_native_password plugin has been removed.

In that post, I showed an example using PHP 7.2, the default version in OL8.

If you are using PHP and you want to use MySQL 9, you must be using a more recent version that fully supports the default authentication plugin caching_cha2_password.

Here is a summary table illustrating which PHP versions are compatible with MySQL 9:

This is the test using OL8 and PHP from the official repository and from Remi’s repo:

[root@mysql1 ~]# php test.php 
PHP version: 7.2.24
PHP Warning:  mysqli::__construct(): The server requested authentication method
 unknown to the client …
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Newsletter Repost – OpenLampTech issue #116

SheetDB API for Google Sheets | SQL execution order | WordPress ACF big update | Do you need foreign keys | WordPress plugin git repo set up.

Code, content, and community for developers.

The LAMP stack and the PHP technologies and frameworks it runs.

Be sure you’re subscribed to OpenLampTech so you don’t miss out on any of the content each week.

Thank you for reading this post. Please share it with someone else who would enjoy it as well.

Disclaimer: The majority of examples in this post, are performed in a personal development/learning workstation environment and should not be considered production quality or ready. Your particular goals and needs may vary. Like always, just because …

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Newsletter Repost – OpenLampTech issue #115

Building robust LAMP stack apps | WooCommerce database optimization | PHP method chaining | CakePHP templating | wp_mail() is not broken.

Code, content, and community for developers.

The LAMP stack and the PHP technologies and frameworks it runs.

Be sure you are subscribed to the weekly OpenLampTech newsletter so you don’t miss out on any of the great content!

Thank you for reading this post. Please share it with someone else who would enjoy it as well.

Disclaimer: The majority of examples in this post, are performed in a personal development/learning workstation environment and should not be considered production quality or ready. Your particular goals and needs may vary. Like always, …

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Newsletter Repost – OpenLampTech issue #114

MySQL secure_file_priv | WooCommerce checkout – Hear About Us? | NativePHP | Drupal Commerce Core | WooCommerce shop data insights curated resource.

Code, content, and community for developers.

The LAMP stack and the PHP technologies and frameworks it runs.

Be sure you’re subscribed to the OpenLampTech newsletter so you don’t miss any of the great content.

Thank you for reading this post. Please share it with someone else who would enjoy it as well.

Disclaimer: The majority of examples in this post, are performed in a personal development/learning workstation environment and should not be considered production quality or ready. Your particular goals and needs may vary. Like always, …

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Developer Interview With Andrii Toniievych – OpenLampTech

Senior WordPress and WooCommerce developer Andrii Toniievych shares a great developer interview with the OpenLampTech newsletter audience.

Code, content, and community for developers.

The LAMP stack and the PHP technologies and frameworks it runs.

Andrii Toniievych provides services for complex WooCommerce projects in the e-commerce space including development, optimization, and tool configurations/integrations among others.

Needless to say, I am super-excited Andrii shared insightful information and knowledge with the OpenLampTech newsletter readers and community.

Subscribe to OpenLampTech to read and receive this content each week.

Thank you for reading this post. Please share it with someone else who would enjoy it as well.

Disclaimer: The majority of …

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Newsletter Repost – OpenLampTech issue #112

Manage MySQL databases with PHP | MailerGlue | MySQL health checks | Drupal microsites | JavaScript support in MySQL.

Code, content, and community for developers.

The LAMP stack and the PHP technologies and frameworks it runs.

Be sure you’re subscribed to OpenLampTech to receive all the great content published each week.

Thank you for reading this post. Please share it with someone else who would enjoy it as well.

Disclaimer: The majority of examples in this post, are performed in a personal development/learning workstation environment and should not be considered production quality or ready. Your particular goals and needs may vary. Like always, just because you can do something …

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Newsletter Repost: Developer Interview With Davor Minchorov – OpenLampTech

Software engineer Davor Minchorov shares a fantastic developer interview with the OpenLampTech newsletter readers.

Code, content, and community for developers.

The LAMP stack and the PHP technologies and frameworks it runs.

Be sure you’re subscribed to OpenLampTech so you don’t miss out on any of the great content published each week.

Thank you for reading this post. Please share it with someone else who would enjoy it as well.

Disclaimer: The majority of examples in this post, are performed in a personal development/learning workstation environment and should not be considered production quality or ready. Your particular goals and needs may vary. Like …

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Newsletter Repost – OpenLampTech issue #111

Advanced SQL queries | WooCommerce shortcodes | Open Source alternatives | Laravel in 2024 | PHP if/else spiral.

Code, content, and community for developers.

The LAMP stack and the PHP technologies and frameworks it runs.

Be sure you are subscribed to the OpenLampTech newsletter so you can receive all the great content each week!

Thank you for reading this post. Please share it with someone else who would enjoy it as well.

Disclaimer: The majority of examples in this post, are performed in a personal development/learning workstation environment and should not be considered production quality or ready. Your particular goals and needs may vary. Like always, just because you can do something …

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Newsletter Repost: Developer Interview With Ryan Szrama – OpenLampTech

Long-time Drupal developer Ryan Szrama shares a fantastic developer interview with the OpenLampTech newsletter readers

Code, content, and community for developers.

The LAMP stack and the PHP technologies and frameworks it runs.

Ryan Szrama is very active in Drupal development, developing plugins and specific commerce-first software using Drupal.

Consider subscribing to OpenLampTech to receive this content and more each week directly to your inbox.

Thank you for reading this post. Please share it with someone else who would enjoy it as well.

Disclaimer: The majority of examples in this post, are performed in a personal development/learning workstation environment and …

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Newsletter Repost: Developer Interview With Joni Halabi – OpenLampTech

Web developer Joni Halabi shares a fantastic developer interview with the OpenLampTech newsletter readers and community.

The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

Receive a copy of my ebook, “10 MySQL Tips For Everyone”, absolutely free when you subscribe to the OpenLampTech newsletter.

Welcome to this OpenLampTech text-based developer interview.

Web and WordPress developer Joni Halabi has been working with the web’s most used and popular CMS for several years.

Joni is also very knowledgeable about Gutenberg, focusing much of her development on writing custom blocks for the post editor.

Needless to say, I am very excited Joni participated in this …

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