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Displaying posts with tag: drupal (reset)
MySQL Router quick’n’simple troubleshooting

I thought I’d share some quick intro steps into how we can monitor the MySQL Router.

This can be useful if we’re observing intermittent outages, network packet drops or you’re just not sure if everythings fine in your MySQL InnoDB Cluster.

My scenario: The drupal servers are connecting and sometimes the users are getting connection errors. I don’0t see anything at MySQL server level of any instance nor cluster problem. Let’s review the Routers.

On all MySQL Router servers, double check the config file for the log location and also the log level. At /etc/mysqlrouter/mysqlrouter.conf (default rpm install location):


I’ve changed my logger level to DEBUG which will give you a lot more info about connections and counters so you can see what’s happening …

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Newsletter Repost: Developer Interview With Ryan Szrama – OpenLampTech

Long-time Drupal developer Ryan Szrama shares a fantastic developer interview with the OpenLampTech newsletter readers

Code, content, and community for developers.

The LAMP stack and the PHP technologies and frameworks it runs.

Ryan Szrama is very active in Drupal development, developing plugins and specific commerce-first software using Drupal.

Consider subscribing to OpenLampTech to receive this content and more each week directly to your inbox.

Thank you for reading this post. Please share it with someone else who would enjoy it as well.

Disclaimer: The majority of examples in this post, are performed in a personal development/learning workstation environment and …

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Use Matomo Website Analytics on OCI with MDS

Matomo is a Google Analytics alternative for your websites. If you follow my blog, you know how easy it’s to deploy popular Open Source web solutions like WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, Moodle, Magento on OCI. If this is not yet your case, please check this page: deploy on OCI.

All these solutions are using MySQL Database Service to store their data.

I’ve recently added a new stack to also deploy Matomo. Of course this can be a standalone installation to collect all your analytics from self-hosted websites, but today I will describe you how to use it with an existing stack we already deployed on OCI.

For this example, I deployed WordPress using the following stack: …

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Deploying Drupal in OCI using MDS: the easy way !

If you plan to deploy a Drupal site to OCI using MySQL Database Service, there is a very easy way to perform that deployment: using OCI’s Resource Manager !

As you know, security is something very important for Oracle in OCI, therefor, exposing the database on the Internet is not allowed.

Even if you are not using OCI, I really recommend you to follow that principle and never expose your database to Internet !

I already cover this in many previous posts. But I also understand that for people not being a sysadmin, this can be complicated the first time.

That’s why, all this can be automated using a stack to deploy in Resource Manager.

The first thing to do when you have your OCI account, it’s to download the stack from GitHub:

Then in OCI’s dashboard, just …

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HA for our website’s database in OCI with MySQL InnoDB Cluster

In the previous post, we setup a Drupal website with MySQL as backend on a different compute instance in a different subnet.

Today we will increase the High Availability of our Database by transforming this single MySQL instance into a MySQL InnoDB Cluster!

The architecture will be the following:

We will use 2 different Availability Domains (AD), of course we could have used 3, it’s up to you.

We will install MySQL Router on the Application Server as advised, and we will modify our Drupal’s configuration to connect locally on the R/W port of the MySQL Router.

You will see that this is very easy to achieve, the most …

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Using OCI to install Drupal and MySQL 8.0

My previous post related on how to install WordPress on Oracle Cloud seemed to be very popular. To continue the exploration of OCI, today we will install Drupal.

This time, even if it’s possible to use the Free Trier like in the WordPress post, I will use a pay account to have the possibility to split the Web Server and the Database into two different subnets. Both instances will have their own subnet and only the Webserver will be reachable directly from the Internet. MySQL will be installed on a private subnet that could reach Internet only via a NAT gateway.

This is an overview of the proposed architecture:

At the end of the blog you will also be able to see this process in video.

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MySQL 8.0.17 and Drupal 8.7

From Drupal’s website, we can see that now the support of MySQL 8 is ready.

I just tested it and it works great !

The only restriction is related to PHP and the support for the new authentication method in php-mysqlnd.

In this previous post, I was happy because it was included in PHP 7.2.8, but this has been reverted back since then. Currently none of the latest version of PHP 7.x is supporting this authentication method.

We can easily verify this, first with the PHP version provided by default in Oracle Linux 8:

# php -i | grep "Loaded plugins\|PHP Version " | tail -n2
PHP Version => 7.2.11
Loaded plugins => mysqlnd,debug_trace,auth_plugin_mysql_native_password, …
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PHP 7.2.8 & MySQL 8.0

A good news for all PHP CMS users like Drupal and Joomla!, PHP 7.2.8 (available on Remi’s repo for those using rpms) supports the new MySQL 8.0 default authentication plugincaching_sha2_password‘ !

So, I’ve installed PHP 7.2.8:

And I’ve my user (here joomla) uses the …

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Drupal and MySQL 8.0.11 – are we there yet ?

Now that MySQL 8.0 GA is out for almost 3 months, let’s see the status of how it’s integrated with Drupal, a very popular CMS using MySQL.

For people having already a Drupal site and that wants to upgrade to MySQL 8.0, please check this post.

Now if you want to use MySQL 8.0 with a fresh new Drupal 8, let’s have a look how does that work.

Drupal 8.5

Drupal 8.5.5 is the latest available stable release from July 4th 2018.

There is no notes about supporting MySQL 8.0. So let’s try it.

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Migrating to MySQL 8.0 without breaking old application

Recently I blogged about the new default authentication plugin in MySQL 8.0 and I got some comments complaining that this new authentication plugin is breaking half of applications.

So first of all, if you are using an old connector or a connector (like the one for Go) not yet supporting caching_sha2_passwordas authentication plugin, you are still able to use the old one. If you have created a new user for your application not supporting the new authentication method, you just have to run the …

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