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Displaying posts with tag: database (reset)
Making my MySQL InnoDB Cluster safe from naughtiness

TL;DR: Make sure to run “SET persist_only disabled_storage_engines=’MyISAM’, persist sql_generate_invisible_primary_key=ON;” on all instances and restart each one in your MySQL InnoDB Cluster.

Ok, what does “safe from naughtiness” mean?:
– Anyone creating tables that aren’t InnoDB, as this doesn’t make sense, after all, it is an “InnoDB” cluster.
– Making sure all tables have a Primary Key (invisible or not).
– Making sure that my (invisible) primary keys are visible to the cluster as it will rightfully complain if they aren’t!

This basically means that once you’ve got it all up and running you won’t run into those horrible situations whereby someone, somewhere, creates a MyISAM table that didn’t have a Primary Key and thus leave you with a broken cluster.


MySQL rtnode-01:3306 ssl JS > vlc.status()
 "clusterName": "VLC",
 "clusterRole": "PRIMARY", …
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Observing InnoDB Cluster: A different approach for specific info extraction

Now this is far from being any observability manual for your InnoDB Cluster and let alone go into everything MySQL Shell API Admin, or the collectDiagnostics utility. You can also use the default javascript commands that we all know and love via dba.getCluster() and so on, but here’s a different take.

I just want to share something I’ve been playing with to pull out some key info from mycluster. Hope it helps someone else out there.

General setup:

select cluster_id, cluster_name, description, cluster_type, primary_mode, clusterset_id
from mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata.clusters;

Members of our cluster:

select * from …
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MySQL install ‘n’ config one-liners

Back again, now with MySQL installs. And this means using the MySQL repository this time around.

I’ve been installing and configuring InnoDB Clusters and ClusterSets and thinking about the Ansible and Terraform users amongst us, maybe one-liners might help someone out there.

So, what about if I share how to install the MySQL repo, install the MySQL instance, create an InnoDB Cluster, add a MySQL Router, create a ClusterSet, make sure the Router is ClusterSet-aware, and then test it out. And all via one-liners.

First up, obrigado Miguel for

To simplify the command execution sequence, these sections aim to help summarize the technical commands required to create the whole platform. And on a default path & port configuration, to ease operational deployments for all those 000’s of …

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How to filter MySQL slow queries using pt-query-digest

The pt-query-digest is my go-to tool in order to perform slow query analysis, improve query performance and thus overall MySQL performance. In this blog post, I’m going to highlight the…

The post How to filter MySQL slow queries using pt-query-digest first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Developer Interview with Joel Clermont – OpenLampTech Repost

OpenLampTech has published another fantastic developer interview in the publication. Find out more below and thanks for reading.

The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

Receive a copy of my ebook, “10 MySQL Tips For Everyone”, absolutely free when you subscribe to the OpenLampTech newsletter.

Read this interview with Joel Clermont and more in the OpenLampTech publication.

Consider subscribing to OpenLampTech. Your free subscription means a lot for the newsletter and community. …

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How to Connect MySQL to Excel – A Guide to Importing MySQL Data into Excel

Integrating MySQL with Excel can offer several advantages, including analyzing data in real-time and creating powerful reports. This article will show several methods to connect MySQL to Excel and import data into Excel.

The post How to Connect MySQL to Excel – A Guide to Importing MySQL Data into Excel appeared first on Devart Blog.

5 Websites To Learn More SQL – Substack Repost

SQL is foundational in web and application programming. There are many websites and resources online to learn SQL. I like these 5 websites and think you will too…

The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

Receive a copy of my ebook, “10 MySQL Tips For Everyone”, absolutely free when you subscribe to the OpenLampTech newsletter.

Read the article: 5 Websites To Learn More SQL

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Thank you for reading this post. Please share it …

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OpenLampTech issue #61 – Substack Repost

OpenLampTech is your media source for original and curated MySQL, PHP, and LAMP stack-related content. This week’s newsletter has many many great reads. Thank you for reading and making the publication a success. Please share with others!

The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

Receive a copy of my ebook, “10 MySQL Tips For Everyone”, absolutely free when you subscribe to the OpenLampTech newsletter.

This week in OpenLampTech issue #61, we have articles covering:

  • Harsh realities of using Linux
  • WooCommerce before and after add-to-cart hooks
  • MySQL table name case
  • Common PHP design patterns
  • And a whole lot more

Want to …

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Updating SQL_MODE

This is an update for MySQL 8 Stored PSM to add the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode to the global SQL_MODE variable when it’s not set during a session. Here’s the code:

/* Drop procedure conditionally on whether it exists already. */
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS set_full_group_by;

/* Reset delimter to allow semicolons to terminate statements. */

/* Create a procedure to verify and set connection parameter. */
CREATE PROCEDURE set_full_group_by()
  COMMENT 'Set connection parameter when not set.'

  /* Check whether full group by is set in the connection and
     if unset, set it in the scope of the connection. */

/* Reset the default delimiter. */

You can call the …

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OpenLampTech issue #60 – Substack Repost

Thank you so much for reading OpenLampTech and making it the success it is today. Wow! 600 developers reading each week! I am humbled to say the very least.

The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

Receive a copy of my ebook, “10 MySQL Tips For Everyone”, absolutely free when you subscribe to the OpenLampTech newsletter.

In OpenLampTech issue #60, we are looking at some fantastic articles covering:

  • Laravel Eloquent and Query Builder tips
  • Drupal’s updated CKEditor 5
  • How Symfony powers Drupal
  • Best SQL Editors
  • WooCommerce Payment Gateways
  • And much more

Want to help OpenLampTech be a success …

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