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Displaying posts with tag: dolphie replay (reset)
Dolphie – “Rerecord not fadeaway”

After installing & configuring Dolphie, let’s take a look into how we can “re-record not fadeaway” and avoid using a VHS tape.

One of the coolest features is being able to go back in time with Dolphie and analyze what was happening at a specific moment.

This feature requires recording so we can replay.

Setting Dolphie up for recording mode.

I’m really just going to share the links to the the github site and organize my steps so someone else might want to rinse’n’repeat or “replay”. I’m just a mere messenger.

It works via the Daemon mode. …

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Using Dolphie for MySQL focus monitoring & performance tuning.

I have been looking into “dolphie” lately, and have to say, “thanks Charles!”. I actually first saw dolphie via Lefred’s MySQL Belgian Days and installed it just after looking into the slidedeck. But never got around to looking further… until now.

We can use so many different observability (o11y?) tools to get notifications, alerts, react, generate reports, etc. from so many different companies, using agents, proxies, repositories, and so on and so forth. And after exchanging experiences with dolphie’s author himself, Charles, the idea here is to go that little bit further in …

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