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Displaying posts with tag: Moodle (reset)
Moodle on OCI with MySQL HeatWave: Extended Architectures – part 2

To continue our journey to Moodle on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using Ampere compute instances and MySQL HeatWave Database Service [1] [2], in this article we will see how to scale our architecture using multiple Moodle instances, High Availability for the Database and Read Scale-Out.

This is the architecture we will deploy:

The same principles can be applied to other projects, not just Moodle.

Multiple Compute Instances & MySQL HeatWave High Availability

The first step is to use again the Stack to deploy the initial resources. We must insure that we use a MySQL Shape that has at least 4 OCPUs

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Moodle on OCI with MySQL HeatWave: Extended Architectures – part 1

In the previous post, we saw how to quickly deploy Moodle to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure on Ampere compute instances and using MySQL HeatWave.

In this post, we will explore some other features and the benefits of running on OCI and MySQL HeatWave to extend our architecture dedicated to Moodle in the Cloud.

Read Replicas

Moodle natively offers the possibility of distributing the load between reads and writes. When using MySQL HeatWave Database Service, adding read replicas is also a very easy task. Let’s see how we can benefit from it.

To be able to use MySQL HeatWave Read Replicas, the MySQL shape must have at least 4 OCPUs.

Let’s modify the moodle stack and deploy it again but this time we choose a bigger shape for MySQL:

When everything is ready, …

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Deploy Moodle on OCI with Ampere and MySQL HeatWave

If you want to deploy Moodle on OCI, you can use Ampere compute instances as application server and MySQL HeatWave Database Service to store the data.

Depending on your requirements, MySQL HeatWave can provide High Availability and Query Acceleration.

In this post, we will see the easiest and fasted way to deploy the following basic architecture:

In OCI to quickly deploy an architecture and all the required resources, it’s recommended to use a Stack (Terraform recipes and modules).

So deploy all the resources we need (VCN, Subnets, Security Lists, Internet Gateways, Compute Instances…) we just need to click on the following button:

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Use Matomo Website Analytics on OCI with MDS

Matomo is a Google Analytics alternative for your websites. If you follow my blog, you know how easy it’s to deploy popular Open Source web solutions like WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, Moodle, Magento on OCI. If this is not yet your case, please check this page: deploy on OCI.

All these solutions are using MySQL Database Service to store their data.

I’ve recently added a new stack to also deploy Matomo. Of course this can be a standalone installation to collect all your analytics from self-hosted websites, but today I will describe you how to use it with an existing stack we already deployed on OCI.

For this example, I deployed WordPress using the following stack: …

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Deploy Moodle on OCI with MDS

Moodle is the world’s most popular learning management system. Moodle is Open Source and of course it’s compatible with the most popular Open Source Database : MySQL !

I’ve already posted an article on how to install Moodle on OCI before we released MySQL Database Service. In this article we will see how to deploy Moodle very easily in OCI and using MDS.

Once again we will use the easiest way to deploy an complete architecture on OCI: Resource Manager.

We will then use a stack I’ve created that is available on GitHub This stack includes Terraform code allowing to deploy different architectures that we can use for Moodle. I’ve tried to cover the main possible architecture directly in the stack. …

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Using OCI to install Moodle with MySQL 8.0

Let’s continue our series of using OCI to install popular Open Source programs with MySQL 8.0. After WordPress, Drupal, it’s not the Moodle’s turn!

This is a request from my Japanese colleague Machiko

We will use two different compute instances:

  • the application server (apache, PHP and Moodle)
  • the database server (MySQL 8.0)

The application server will be reachable from the Internet on port 22 (ssh) and 80 (http). The database server won’t be reachable from outside, we will have to use the application server as jumphost to install the server.

This is an overview of the proposed architecture:

Deploying 2 compute instances

The first step is to install 2 compute instances, one in the Public Subnet and one in the Private Subnet.

We first start with the application server (called myMoodle):

As the second instance will be located …

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Clustering Moodle on Multiple Servers for High Availability and Scalability

August 12, 2014 By Severalnines

Moodle is an open-source e-learning platform (aka Learning Management System) that is widely adopted by educational institutions to create and administer online courses. For larger student bodies and higher volumes of instruction, moodle must be robust enough to serve thousands of learners, administrators, content builders and instructors simultaneously. Availability and scalability are key requirements as moodle becomes a critical application for course providers. In this blog, we will show you how to deploy and cluster moodle/web, database and file-system components on multiple servers to achieve both high availability and scalability. 


We are going to deploy moodle on top of GlusterFS clustered file system and MariaDB Galera Cluster 10. To eliminate any single point of failure, we will use three nodes to serve the application and database while the remaining two are used for …

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Mountain Moodle Moot and MySQL in Montana

MySQL is a proud sponsor of the Mountain Moodle Moot, July 9-11, 2014 – Helena, Montana. There will be sessions back-to-back covering query tuning, system tuning, and little known tricks using MySQL Workbench. This years Moot is already SOLD OUT.

Moodle is a learning management system and very popular with many schools across the world.

There are 3 three amazing social events planned for Friday afternoon – sponsored by Oracle/MySQL. Lunch, a tour train ride and a great social at the Blackfoot Brewery complete with tour and brews.

If you have your ticket and want me to cover anything specific in my sessions, please let me know!

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