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Displaying posts with tag: groups (reset)
How to Configure Aurora RDS Parameters

In this blog post, we’ll look at some tips on how to configure Aurora RDS parameters.

I was recently deploying a few Aurora RDS instances, a process very similar to configuring a regular RDS instance. I noticed a few minor differences in the way you configure Aurora RDS parameters, and very few articles on how the commands should be structured (for RDS as well as Aurora). The only real literature available is the official Amazon RDS documentation.

This blog provides a concise “how-to” guide to quickly change Aurora RDS parameters using the AWS CLI. Aurora retains the parameter group model introduced with RDS, with new instances having the default read only parameter groups. For a new instance, you need to create and allocate a new parameter group (this requires a DB reboot). After that, you can apply changes to …

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MySQL User Camp - Bangalore, India

Another MySQL User Group meeting called "MySQL User Camp-Bangalore" is announced for Jun 20 in Bangalore, India!! Please find more details below:

  • Date and time: June 20, 2014 at 3PM IST
  • Place: Bangalore, Kalyani Magnum campus
  • Registration: Registration is needed, please contact
  • URL


  • MySQL 5.7 New Features and NoSQL support in MySQL
  • Sharding as implemented in MySQL Fabric
  • Open discussion with MySQL developers

We are looking forward to seeing you on Jun 20!!

MySQL User Group Meeting in Madrid, Spain

We are pleased to announce another MySQL User Group meeting scheduled for June 5 in Madrid, Spain. Keith Hollman, the MySQL Principal Sales Consultant will be talking about MySQL & Oracle strategy and MySQL Cluster. A small demo of MySQL Cluster will be part of the presentation. 

Details about the event: Date: June 5, 2014 Time: 7:00 pm-8:30 pm Place: Edificio Telefonica, Gran via 28, Madrid, Entrada por C/ Valverde 2
We are looking forward to seeing you in Madrid!
See more information & registration.

MySQL track at the German Oracle User Group conference

As we have seen for other events, the MySQL community has been invited to attend and participate in conferences organized by the Oracle User Groups.

After the past, present and future events in the United States, now we start with Europe.

There is a MySQL Track at the DOAG …

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MySQL track at the German Oracle User Group conference

As we have seen for other events, the MySQL community has been invited to attend and participate in conferences organized by the Oracle User Groups.

After the past, present and future events in the United States, now we start with Europe.

There is a MySQL Track at the DOAG …

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MySQL track at the German Oracle User Group conference

As we have seen for other events, the MySQL community has been invited to attend and participate in conferences organized by the Oracle User Groups.

After the past, present and future events in the United States, now we start with Europe.

There is a MySQL Track at the DOAG …

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The MySQL Community meets the Independent Oracle Users Group
After the MySQL Conference, while most of my European colleagues were busy with volcanic disruptions and seeking alternative routes to the Old Continent, I headed to Las Vegas, to attend Collaborate10 a conference different from the ones I have been used so far.

Collaborate10 is the conference of the Oracle Users Groups. I had been asked to participate with a few talks on MySQL, and I was curious of meeting this for me new organization. I prepared three talks, one introduction to MySQL and two advanced ones, and thus equipped I ventured …

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The MySQL Community meets the Independent Oracle Users Group
After the MySQL Conference, while most of my European colleagues were busy with volcanic disruptions and seeking alternative routes to the Old Continent, I headed to Las Vegas, to attend Collaborate10 a conference different from the ones I have been used so far.

Collaborate10 is the conference of the Oracle Users Groups. I had been asked to participate with a few talks on MySQL, and I was curious of meeting this for me new organization. I prepared three talks, one introduction to MySQL and two advanced ones, and thus equipped I ventured …

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The MySQL Community meets the Independent Oracle Users Group
After the MySQL Conference, while most of my European colleagues were busy with volcanic disruptions and seeking alternative routes to the Old Continent, I headed to Las Vegas, to attend Collaborate10 a conference different from the ones I have been used so far.

Collaborate10 is the conference of the Oracle Users Groups. I had been asked to participate with a few talks on MySQL, and I was curious of meeting this for me new organization. I prepared three talks, one introduction to MySQL and two advanced ones, and thus equipped I ventured …

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Securich – 0.1.4

Just a small note to advise that Securich reached 0.1.4.
Some new tools include:
* Added Password complexity
* Enhanced `set_password` – Old password is now necessary to replace it by a new one
* Enhanced Revoke privileges to accept regexp
* Added Block user@hostname on a database level
* Added Creation of reserved usernames
* Added Help stored procedure displays help for each stored proc
* Enhanced `create_update_role` to include the removal of privilages from roles
* Enhanced `grant_priveleges` on `alltables` for a database without tables would terminate with an error instead of gracefully (now fixed)
* Added Restore user@hostname on a database level
* Removed ’show warnings’ from sql installation

The database design using workbench is also available in the db folder (for easier understanding of what lies …

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