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Displaying posts with tag: Amazon Aurora (reset)
Using Blue/Green Deployment For (near) Zero-Downtime Primary Key Updates in RDS MySQL

Large tables can pose challenges for many operations when working with a database. Occasionally, we may need to modify the table definition. Since RDS replication does not use asynchronous for its replication, the typical switchover procedure is not feasible. However, the Blue/Green feature of RDS utilizes asynchronous replication, which allows us to update the table […]

Aurora vs RDS: How to Choose the Right AWS Database Solution

This post was originally published in July 2018 and was updated in July 2023.

Now that Database-as-a-service (DBaaS) is in high demand, there are multiple questions regarding AWS services that cannot always be answered easily: When should I use Aurora and when should I use RDS MySQL?  What are the differences between Aurora and RDS? How do I choose which one to use?

In this blog, we will answer all of these important questions and provide a general overview comparing the two database services, Aurora vs RDS.

Understanding DBaaS

DBaaS cloud services allow users to use databases without configuring physical hardware and infrastructure or installing software. But …

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Failover comparison in Aurora MySQL 2.10.0 using proxySQL vs Aurora’s cluster endpoint


Aurora cluster promises a high availability solution and seamless failover procedure. However, how much is actually the downtime when a failover happens? And how proxySQL can help in minimizing the downtime ? A little sneak peek on the results ProxySQL achieves up to 25x less downtime and the impressive up to ~9800x less errors during unplanned failovers. How proxySQL achieves this: 

  1. Less downtime
  2. “Queueing” feature when an instance in a hostgroup becomes unavailable.

So what is ProxySQL? ProxySQL is a middle layer between the database and the application. ProxySQL protects databases from high traffic spikes, prevents databases from having high number of connections due to the multiplexing feature and minimizes the impact during planned/unexpected failovers or crashes of DBs. 

This blog will continue with measuring the impact of an unexpected …

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A First Glance at Amazon Aurora Serverless RDS

If you often deploy services in the cloud, you certainly, at least once, forgot to stop a test instance. I am like you and I forgot my share of these. Another mistake I do once in a while is to provision a bigger instance than needed, just in case, and forget to downsize it. While this is true for compute instances, it is especially true for database instances. Over time, this situation ends up adding a cost premium. In this post, we’ll discuss a solution to mitigate these extra costs, the use of the RDS Aurora Serverless service.

What is Amazon Aurora Serverless?

Since last spring, Amazon unveiled a new database related product: RDS Aurora Serverless. The aim of this new product is to simplify the management around Aurora clusters. It brings a likely benefit for the end users, better control over cost. Here are some …

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Amazon Aurora Multi-Primary First Impression

For what reason should I use a real multi-primary setup?

To be clear, not a multi-writer solution where any node can become the active writer in case of needs, as for Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) or Percona Server for MySQL using Group_replication. No, we are talking about a multi-primary setup where I can write at the same time on multiple nodes. I want to insist on this “why?”.

After having excluded the possible solutions mentioned above, both covering the famous 99.995% availability, which is 26.30 minutes of downtime in a year, what is left?

Disaster Recovery? Well, that is something I would love to have, but to be a real DR solution we need to put several kilometers (miles for imperial) in the middle.

And we know …

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New Continuent Tungsten Replicator (AMI): The Advanced Replication Engine For MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Server & AWS Aurora

Discover the new Continuent Tungsten Replicator (AMI) – the most advanced & flexible replication engine for MySQL, MariaDB & Percona Server, including Amazon RDS MySQL and Amazon Aurora

We’re excited to announce the availability on the Amazon Marketplace of a new version of the Tungsten Replicator (AMI).

Tungsten Replicator (AMI) is a replication engine that provides high-performance and improved replication functionality over the native MySQL replication solution and provides the ability to apply real-time MySQL data feeds into a range of analytics and big data databases.

Tungsten Replicator (AMI) builds upon …

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How to Upgrade Amazon Aurora MySQL from 5.6 to 5.7

Over time, software evolves and it is important to stay up to date if you want to benefit from new features and performance improvements.  Database engines follow the exact same logic and providers are always careful to provide an easy upgrade path. With MySQL, the mysql_upgrade tool serves that purpose.

A database upgrade process becomes more challenging in a managed environment like AWS RDS where you don’t have shell access to the database host and don’t have access to the SUPER MySQL privilege. This post is a collaboration between Fattmerchant and Percona following an engagement focused on the upgrade of the Fattmerchant database from Amazon Aurora MySQL 5.6 to Amazon Aurora MySQL 5.7. Jacques Fu, the CTO of Fattmerchant, is the co-author of this post.  Our initial plan was to follow a path laid out previously by others but we had difficulties finding any …

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Using Parallel Query with Amazon Aurora for MySQL

Parallel query execution is my favorite, non-existent, feature in MySQL. In all versions of MySQL – at least at the time of writing – when you run a single query it will run in one thread, effectively utilizing one CPU core only. Multiple queries run at the same time will be using different threads and will utilize more than one CPU core.

On multi-core machines – which is the majority of the hardware nowadays – and in the cloud, we have multiple cores available for use. With faster disks (i.e. SSD) we can’t utilize the full potential of IOPS with just one thread.

AWS Aurora (based on MySQL 5.6) now has a version which will support parallelism for SELECT queries (utilizing the read capacity of storage nodes underneath the Aurora cluster). In this article, we will look at how this can improve the reporting/analytical query performance in MySQL. I will compare AWS Aurora with MySQL …

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AWS Aurora MySQL – HA, DR, and Durability Explained in Simple Terms

It’s a few weeks after AWS re:Invent 2018 and my head is still spinning from all of the information released at this year’s conference. This year I was able to enjoy a few sessions focused on Aurora deep dives. In fact, I walked away from the conference realizing that my own understanding of High Availability (HA), Disaster Recovery (DR), and Durability in Aurora had been off for quite a while. Consequently, I decided to put this blog out there, both to collect the ideas in one place for myself, and to share them in general. Unlike some of our previous blogs, I’m not focused on analyzing Aurora performance or examining the architecture behind Aurora. Instead, I want to focus on how HA, DR, and Durability are defined and implemented within the Aurora ecosystem.  We’ll get just deep enough into the weeds to be able to examine these capabilities alone.

Aurora MySQL – What is it?

We’ll start with a simplified …

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Amazon Aurora Serverless – The Sleeping Beauty

One of the most exciting features Amazon Aurora Serverless brings to the table is its ability to go to sleep (pause) when idle. This is a fantastic feature for development and test environments. You get access to a powerful database to run tests quickly, but it goes easy on your wallet as you only pay for storage when the instance is paused.

You can configure Amazon RDS Aurora Serverless to go to sleep after a specified period of time. This can be set to anywhere between five minutes and 24 hours

For this feature to work, however, inactivity has to be complete. If you have so much as a single query or even maintain an idle open connection, Amazon Aurora Serverless will not be able to pause.

This means, for example, that pretty much any monitoring you may have enabled, including our own …

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