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Displaying posts with tag: aws (reset)
Database testing for all version changes (including minor versions)

We know that SQL statement compatibility can change with major database version upgrades and that you should adequately test for them. But what about minor version upgrades?

It is dangerous to assume that your existing SQL statements work with a minor update, especially when using an augmented version of an open-source database such as a cloud provider that may not be as transparent about all changes.

While I have always found reading the release notes an important step in architectural principles over the decades, many organizations skip over this principle and get caught off guard when there are no dedicated DBAs and architects in the engineering workforce.

Real-world examples of minor version upgrade issues

Here are two real-world situations common in the AWS RDS ecosystem using MySQL.

  1. You are an organization that uses RDS Aurora MySQL for its production systems, and you upgrade one minor version …
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Sakila, Where Are You Going?

At Percona, we monitor our users’ needs and try to accommodate them. One aspect we monitor is the MySQL version distribution/utilization. Observing that, we identified a very interesting trend: the lack of migration from 5.7 to 8.x, or better yet, the need of many to remain on 5.7.  That observation has triggered several actions from […]

Configuring Keyring for Encryption Using AWS Key Management Service in Percona Server for MySQL

The AWS KMS component is now available in Percona Server for MySQL starting from version 8.0.30. This addition enables data-at-rest encryption by utilizing the AWS KMS component, providing the functionality to create and manage cryptographic keys across AWS services.How do we set up encryption using AWS KMS?You should only load a keyring component with a […]

How to overcome Throttling and Rate Exceeded Errors in DownloadDBLogFilePortion

I was attempting to download the MySQL slow query logs to perform a slow query review. In this blog we will explore the issue I faced while downloading the slow…

The post How to overcome Throttling and Rate Exceeded Errors in DownloadDBLogFilePortion first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Aurora vs RDS: How to Choose the Right AWS Database Solution

This post was originally published in July 2018 and was updated in July 2023.

Now that Database-as-a-service (DBaaS) is in high demand, there are multiple questions regarding AWS services that cannot always be answered easily: When should I use Aurora and when should I use RDS MySQL?  What are the differences between Aurora and RDS? How do I choose which one to use?

In this blog, we will answer all of these important questions and provide a general overview comparing the two database services, Aurora vs RDS.

Understanding DBaaS

DBaaS cloud services allow users to use databases without configuring physical hardware and infrastructure or installing software. But …

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Exploring Aurora serverlessV2 for MySQL Part 3

Explore the powerful features of Aurora Serverless V2 for MySQL in this informative blog series. Learn about read-only scaling, parameter support, and cost performance. Compare costs between Provisioned Aurora and Aurora Serverless V2. Discover key takeaways for optimizing your MySQL deployment on the cloud. Read now!

  1. Read-only Scaling
    1. Failover replicas
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How to Troubleshoot a MySQL Replica IO Thread that is Stuck in a Connecting State

Discover how to troubleshoot a MySQL replica IO thread stuck in a connecting state. Learn about the replication architecture, security group rules for AWS EC2 instances, and how to address common issues like network restrictions and bind address configuration.

MySQL is a powerful database management and a widely used cloud database service. One of its key features is the ability to create replicas of a master database to improve its availability and scalability. However, at times the IO thread in a MySQL replica may get stuck in a connecting state, which can cause replication issues and affect the overall data consistency …

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Are Aurora Performance Claims True?

Amazon claims that Aurora has “Up to 5X the throughput of MySQL”. Is it true? It wasn’t easy to find the truth, but I kept digging until I found it. This is a long read; let’s chase the rabbit all the way down the hole.

Are Aurora Performance Claims True?

Amazon claims that Aurora has “Up to 5X the throughput of MySQL”. Is it true? It wasn’t easy to find the truth, but I kept digging until I found it. This is a long read; let’s chase the rabbit all the way down the hole.

Are Aurora Performance Claims True?

Amazon claims that Aurora has “Up to 5X the throughput of MySQL”. Is it true? It wasn’t easy to find the truth, but I kept digging until I found it. This is a long read; let’s chase the rabbit all the way down the hole.

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