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Displaying posts with tag: Google Cloud (reset)
Sakila, Where Are You Going?

At Percona, we monitor our users’ needs and try to accommodate them. One aspect we monitor is the MySQL version distribution/utilization. Observing that, we identified a very interesting trend: the lack of migration from 5.7 to 8.x, or better yet, the need of many to remain on 5.7.  That observation has triggered several actions from […]

Google Cloud Platform: MySQL at Scale with Reliable HA Webinar Q&A

Earlier in November, we had a chance to present the “Google Cloud Platform: MySQL at Scale with Reliable HA.” We discussed different approaches to hosting MySQL in Google Cloud Platform with the available options’ pros and cons. This webinar was recorded and can be viewed here at any time. We had several great questions, which we would like to address and elaborate on the answers given during the webinar.

Q: What is your view on Cloud SQL High Availability in Google Cloud?

A: Google Cloud SQL provides High Availability through regional instances. If your Cloud SQL database is regional, it means that there’s a standby instance in another zone within the same region. Both instances (primary and standby) are kept synced through synchronous replication on the persistent …

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Using Volume Snapshot/Clone in Kubernetes

One of the most exciting storage-related features in Kubernetes is Volume snapshot and clone. It allows you to take a snapshot of data volume and later to clone into a new volume, which opens a variety of possibilities like instant backups or testing upgrades. This feature also brings Kubernetes deployments close to cloud providers, which allow you to get volume snapshots with one click.

Word of caution: for the database, it still might be required to apply fsfreeze and FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK or



It is much easier in MySQL 8 now, because as with atomic DDL, MySQL 8 should provide crash-safe consistent snapshots without additional locking.

Let’s review how we can use this feature with Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine and …

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MySQL 8.0 joins Google Cloud SQL

This is the announcement blogpost and this is my overview taken from medium:

The one where MySQL 8.0 lands on Google Cloud SQL

Ada Doglace and Lily Grace (lilygrams). Photo by Anthony Ferrara.

There are many things that makes me happy. Puppies (see picture), food, wine and databases… (not particularly in that order). And things that makes me even happier such as a well designed schema and proper usage of ORM (Object Relational Mapping).

MySQL was the database I used to love to hate. It grew on me and the fact that long strides were made to make it more consistent and more modern kept me away from …

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Backing Up Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster Databases to Google Cloud Storage

The Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster can send backups to Amazon S3 or S3-compatible storage. And every now and then at Support, we are asked how to send backups to Google Cloud Storage.

Google Cloud Storage offers an “interoperability mode” which is S3-compatible. However, there are a few details to take care of when using it.

Google Cloud Storage Configuration

First, select “Settings” under “Storage” in the Navigation Menu. Under Settings, select the Interoperability tab. If Interoperability is not yet enabled, click Enable Interoperability Access. This turns on the S3-compatible interface to Google Cloud Storage.

After enabling S3-compatible storage, an access key needs to be generated. There are two options: Access keys can be tied to Service accounts or User accounts. For …

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Generating a mysqldump to import into Google Cloud SQL

This tutorial is for you that is trying to import your current database into a Google Cloud SQL instance, replica, that will be setup for replication purposes.

According to the documentation, you will need to run:

mysqldump \
--databases [DBS] \
--hex-blob --skip-triggers --master-data=1 \
--order-by-primary --compact --no-autocommit \
--default-character-set=utf8 --ignore-table [VIEW] \
--single-transaction --set-gtid-purged=on | gzip | \
gsutil cp - gs://[BUCKET]/[PATH_TO_DUMP]

The mysqldump parameters are:

  • -h the hostname or IPV4 address of the primary should replace [MASTER_IP]
  • -P the port or the primary server, usually …
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This Week in Data with Colin Charles 40: a Peak at Blockchain, Lots of MariaDB News, then Back on the Road

Join Percona Chief Evangelist Colin Charles as he covers happenings, gives pointers and provides musings on the open source database community.

Shortly after the last dispatch, I jetted off for a spot of vacation (which really meant I was checking out the hype behind Blockchain with a database developer lens at the Blockchain Week NYC), and then some customer visits in Seoul, which explains the short hiatus. Here’s to making this more regular as the summer approaches.

I am about to embark on a fairly long trip, covering a few upcoming appearances: Lisbon for the Percona Engineering meeting, SouthEastLinuxFest in Charlotte, the …

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ProxySQL behind a load balancer in Google Cloud


In this article we will explore one approach for deploying ProxySQL behind a load balancer in Google Cloud.

While considering the deployment of ProxySQL, one has basically the following options:

  1. Install ProxySQL on existing application server(s)
  2. Provision dedicated ProxySQL server(s) between your application servers and the database layer.

Each approach has its pros and cons, but if there’s a significant number of application servers (more than a dozen or so) having a dedicated ProxySQL “layer” can be a more attractive option, specially if there is no service discovery mechanism in place (e.g. Consul).

Let’s consider a simple scenario, with a master and a small number of slaves in a single geographic region. Assuming that you are following the best practice, your database servers should be split into different availability zones. So for ProxySQL, it also …

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The State of MySQL High Availability Going in to 2018

High availability for MySQL has become increasingly relevant given the ever increasing rate of adoption and implementation. It’s no secret to anyone in the community that the popularity of MySQL has become noteworthy. I still remember my start with MySQL in the early 5.0 days and people told me that I may not want to consider wasting my time training on a database that didn’t have a large industry adoption, but look at where we are now! One of my favorite pages to cite when trying to exhibit this fact is the ranking trend page where we can see that MySQL is right up there and contending with enterprise products such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle.

MySQL has gone from being part of the ever famous LAMP stack for users looking to set up their first website to seeing adoption from major technical players such as …

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What Are Your Cloud Data Plans? Help Inform the Community, Take Percona’s Survey

Fill out a quick survey on your cloud data plans.

Today, keeping your enterprise agile and flexible is not just an advantage, it is a requirement. Many of the systems and processes once controlled by businesses onsite are moving offsite to “service” models. This includes Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Database as a Service (DBaaS), etc.

These services are usually referred to as being in the cloud. The enterprise using the service doesn’t maintain or manage the infrastructure of the service in question.

Migrating database workloads to the cloud can be a vital part of improving customer experience, gaining deeper business insights and increasing efficiency. More enterprises are …

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