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Displaying posts with tag: Microsoft Azure (reset)
MySQL Server on Microsoft Azure 1st part (deployment)

Let’s try Azure Database for MySQL


Did you know that you can run MySQL on Microsoft Azure for free for 30 days with a $200 credit? In this first blog I’ll show how to create a MySQL Server and provide few information related to this service. In futures blogs I’ll present insights regarding MySQL performances and backup/recovery.

Let’s start by registering ourselves

The registration process lasts approximately 5 to 10 minutes. We simply have to enter our contacts details as well as our credit card details. Don’t worry, no fees are automatically charged. Once your 200$ credit limit used, Microsoft will ask us if we want to keep on with the payment of the additional fees.  

In order to register ourselves on Microsoft Azure, we can simply go on the following URL: …

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The Best Way to Host MySQL on Azure Cloud

Are you looking to get started with the world’s most popular open-source database, and wondering how you should setup your MySQL hosting? So many default to Amazon RDS, when MySQL performs exceptionally well on Azure Cloud. While Microsoft Azure does offer a managed solution, Azure Database, the solution has some major limitations you should know about before migrating your MySQL deployments. In this post, we outline the best way to host MySQL on Azure, including managed solutions, instance types, high availability replication, backup, and disk types to use to optimize your cloud database performance.

MySQL DBaaS vs. Self-Managed MySQL

The first thing to consider when weighing between self-management and a MySQL Database-as-a-Service …

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What Are Your Cloud Data Plans? Help Inform the Community, Take Percona’s Survey

Fill out a quick survey on your cloud data plans.

Today, keeping your enterprise agile and flexible is not just an advantage, it is a requirement. Many of the systems and processes once controlled by businesses onsite are moving offsite to “service” models. This includes Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Database as a Service (DBaaS), etc.

These services are usually referred to as being in the cloud. The enterprise using the service doesn’t maintain or manage the infrastructure of the service in question.

Migrating database workloads to the cloud can be a vital part of improving customer experience, gaining deeper business insights and increasing efficiency. More enterprises are …

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