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Displaying posts with tag: gtid (reset)
MySQL GTID tags and binlog events

MySQL 8.4 and newer have extended the Global Transaction ID (GTID) functionality with a new “tag” option.

Refresher on GTID

A GTID is a unique ID that is assigned to a transaction. This is used if gtid_mode is set to ON. The benefit of this is that a transaction can be uniquely identified in a MySQL replication setup with multiple levels. Among others this makes it easier to refactor a replication tree as a MySQL replica knows which transactions it has seen and can use this to find the right position to start replicating from a new source.

The format of GTIDs is documented here.

Before GTID was used replication worked based on a file and offset (e.g. file=binlog.000001,offset=4), which is unique to every server.

A GTID without tag looks like …

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MySQL Replication: How To Deal With the ‘Got Fatal Error 1236’ or MY-013114 Error

Replication has been the core functionality, allowing high availability in MySQL for decades already. However, you may still encounter replication errors that keep you awake at night. One of the most common and challenging to deal with starts with: “Got fatal error 1236 from source when reading data from binary log“. This blog post is […]

Replicate from GTID disabled source to GTID enabled replica directly

MySQL 8.0.23 introduces a new feature that makes replication possible from a source server that has been configured without Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs) to a replica server configured with GTIDs. This can be achieved by configuring replication channels to use the parameter ASSIGN_GTIDS_TO_ANONYMOUS_TRANSACTIONS with the CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE command.…

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Fixing low durability GTID replica with Voodoo

At my FOSDEM talk earlier this year, I gave a trick for fixing a crashed GTID replica.  I never blogged about this, so now is a good time.  What is pushing me to write on this today is my talk at MinervaDB Athena 2020 this Friday.  At this conference, I will present more details about MySQL replication crash safety.  So you know what to do if you want to learn more about

Missing Writes with MySQL GTID

GTID-based replication makes managing replication topology easy: just CHANGE MASTER to any node and voilà. It doesn’t always work, but for the most part it does. That’s great, but it can hide a serious problem: missing writes. Even when MySQL GTID-based replication says, “OK, sure!”, which is most of the time, you should double check it.

Missing Writes with MySQL GTID

GTID-based replication makes managing replication topology easy: just CHANGE MASTER to any node and voilà. It doesn’t always work, but for the most part it does. That’s great, but it can hide a serious problem: missing writes. Even when MySQL GTID-based replication says, “OK, sure!”, which is most of the time, you should double check it.

Missing Writes with MySQL GTID

GTID-based replication makes managing replication topology easy: just CHANGE MASTER to any node and voilà. It doesn’t always work, but for the most part it does. That’s great, but it can hide a serious problem: missing writes. Even when MySQL GTID-based replication says, “OK, sure!”, which is most of the time, you should double check it.

A Legacy Behavior of MySQL Corrupting Restored Backups (replicate-same-server-id = OFF)

In my previous post (Puzzled by MySQL Replication), I describe a weird, but completely documented, behavior of replication that had me scratching my head for hours because it was causing data corruption.  I did not give too many details then as I also wanted allowing you to scratch your head if you wished.  In this post, I describe this behavior in more details.

But first I need to

Puzzled by MySQL Replication (War Story)

Recently, I was puzzled by MySQL replication !  Some weird, but completely documented, behavior of replication had me scratching my head for hours.  I am sharing this war story so you can avoid losing time like me (and also maybe avoid corrupting your data when restoring a backup).  The exact justification will come in a follow-up post, so you can also scratch your head trying

Fixing Ghosted GTIDs

MySQL auto-positioning is an integral part of replication with GTID, but it’s neither required nor guaranteed to work. It’s possible to enable GTIDs but disable auto-positioning, and it’s possible that one MySQL instance cannot auto-position on another even when GTIDs are used. The former (GTID on but auto-pos off) is an issue for another time. The latter is the topic of this post: when MySQL GTID auto-positioning fails—and how to fix it.

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