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Displaying posts with tag: mysqldump (reset)
Trusting mysqldump and Insecure MySQL Client Lead to Remote Code Execution

Yes, you read this correctly: because the MySQL client is insecure and allows running arbitrary commands, and because mysqldump blindly trusts the server it is dumping from, a hostile MySQL Server on which mysqldump is executed could trigger arbitrary command execution (also known as a remote code execution).  This post raises awareness on this vulnerability and shows how a secure MySQL

Migrating Ownership of Your Stored Routines, Views, and Triggers in MySQL

“It would be nice to have an option, that would allow to suppress the DEFINER statement in the CREATE VIEW statements generated by mysqldump. This would help when transferring data structures between databases with different security models.” 


Use mysqlpump with option


instead of


. The Story

This was requested as MySQL Bug #24680 on Nov 29, 2006. This feature request got large Community support. Even if we cannot see the number of people who voted for this request, the number of comments is impressive.

The request is very reasonable:


is widely used during application development and it is a very common practice to migrate database structure …

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MySQL Backup setup, automation using Holland, mysqldump on Ubuntu

This post will guide you to set up and automate the MySQL logical backups using mysqldump on Ubuntu Linux. We will set-up MySQL backup using mysqldump and automate it with…

The post MySQL Backup setup, automation using Holland, mysqldump on Ubuntu first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

mysqldump Best Practices: Part 1 – MySQL Prerequisites

Mysqldump is a client utility that is used to perform logical backups of the MySQL database. This popular migration tool is useful for various use cases of MySQL such as: Backup and restore of databases. Migrating data from one server to another. Migrating data across different managed MySQL service providers. Migrating data between different versions […]

MySQL backup shell script with status email

This post is for the backup script for MySQL database on Linux with mail. It’s a linux shell script for taking logical backup using mysqldump and sending status email. The…

The post MySQL backup shell script with status email first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Adding a replicated MySQL database instance using a Group Replication server as the source

You say you want a Replication?

One of the best features of MySQL is the ability to use MySQL‘s built-in database replication feature to automatically replicate data from one server (source/master) to another (slave/replica). Group Replication was added in MySQL 5.7 as a way to provide a high-availability solution using a new variation of MySQL replication.

(In some earlier posts, I explained how to setup Group Replication using three MySQL database servers and how to …

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Generating a mysqldump to import into Google Cloud SQL

This tutorial is for you that is trying to import your current database into a Google Cloud SQL instance, replica, that will be setup for replication purposes.

According to the documentation, you will need to run:

mysqldump \
--databases [DBS] \
--hex-blob --skip-triggers --master-data=1 \
--order-by-primary --compact --no-autocommit \
--default-character-set=utf8 --ignore-table [VIEW] \
--single-transaction --set-gtid-purged=on | gzip | \
gsutil cp - gs://[BUCKET]/[PATH_TO_DUMP]

The mysqldump parameters are:

  • -h the hostname or IPV4 address of the primary should replace [MASTER_IP]
  • -P the port or the primary server, usually …
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Restore A Table / Database From Full Backup – Yet Another Way

How to Restore A Table / Database From Full Backup using MySQL Grants & mysqldump.

The post Restore A Table / Database From Full Backup – Yet Another Way first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.36-82.0 is Now Available

Percona announces the release of Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.36-82.0 on May 12, 2017. Download the latest version from the Percona web site or the Percona Software Repositories. You can also run Docker containers from the images in the Docker Hub repository.

Based on MySQL 5.6.36, and including all the bug fixes in it, …

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The mysqlpump Utility

In this blog, we’ll look at the




 is a utility that performs logical backups (which means backing up your data as SQL statements instead of a raw copy of data files). It was added in MySQL Server version 5.7.8, and can be used to dump a database or a set of databases to a file and then loaded on another SQL server (not necessarily a MySQL server).

Its usage is similar to


, but it includes a new set of features. Many of the options are the same, but it was written from scratch to avoid being limited to


 compatibility. The Main Features Include:

  • To make the dump process faster, it allows parallel processing of databases and objects within databases.
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