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Displaying posts with tag: Replication issues (reset)
How to Troubleshoot a MySQL Replica IO Thread that is Stuck in a Connecting State

Discover how to troubleshoot a MySQL replica IO thread stuck in a connecting state. Learn about the replication architecture, security group rules for AWS EC2 instances, and how to address common issues like network restrictions and bind address configuration.

MySQL is a powerful database management and a widely used cloud database service. One of its key features is the ability to create replicas of a master database to improve its availability and scalability. However, at times the IO thread in a MySQL replica may get stuck in a connecting state, which can cause replication issues and affect the overall data consistency …

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Fixing inconsistency on MySQL Slave of Galera Cluster

This blog post explores the syncing options for an inconsistent MySQL slave of Galera cluster node using pt-table-sync

The post Fixing inconsistency on MySQL Slave of Galera Cluster first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

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