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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL (reset)
Using pt-online-schema-change for Purging Rows and Reclaiming Disk Space in a Single Operation

You probably missed the news, but… PT-1751: Adds –where param to pt-online-schema-change This brings the possibility to perform what I would call an “inverted purge” because you are not actually purging rows from your multi-terabyte table, but rather, you copy the small percentage of rows you want to keep to a new table and then […]

Percona Server for MySQL and Percona XtraBackup Now Available for ARM64

We’re excited to announce that both Percona Server for MySQL and Percona XtraBackup now support the ARM64 architecture on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8/9 and Oracle Linux (OL) 8/9. The packages with the aarch64.rpm extension can be found on Percona Software Downloads. The aarch64.rpm file extension indicates that the RPM package is specifically built for the ARM64 architecture and intended […]

MySQL Performance : Switching InnoDB REDO Threads=OFF/ON

In MySQL 8.0 we introduced a totally new design for InnoDB REDO Log management. The main difference was about implementing a lock-free solution for user threads, and use dedicated REDO threads for all background IO write work.

for more details, see an excellent and very detailed article by Pawel :

However, over a time we also added an option to let users to switch REDO threads=OFF to enforce REDO log processing efficiency in some particular cases. Unfortunately this feature created a lot of confusions for MySQL users, and many ones interpreted this in different ways, providing different and sometimes opposite advices, etc..

My main advice will be always : test each feature yourself and within your …

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Do Not Upgrade to Any Version of MySQL After 8.0.37

Warning! Recently, Jean-François Gagné opened a bug on #115517; unfortunately, the bug is now private. However, the bug looks quite serious. We at Percona have performed several tests and opened the issue PS-9306 to investigate the problem. In short, what happens is that if you create a large number of tables, like 10000, the […]

How to Manage MySQL Databases and Users from the Command Line

MySQL is the most popular database server used by websites to store their important data. In addition to using phpMyAdmin ...

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The post How to Manage MySQL Databases and Users from the Command Line appeared first on RoseHosting.

Use OCI GenAI, and MySQL HeatWave to interact with your WordPress content

MySQL HeatWave 9.0 was released under the banner of artificial intelligence. It includes a VECTOR datatype and can easily process and analyze vast amounts of proprietary unstructured documents in object storage, using HeatWave GenAI and Lakehouse.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure also provides a wonderful GenAI Service, and in this post, we will see how to use OCI GenAI with MySQL HeatWave to build a custom RAG solution using the content of a WordPress site.

This article was written with the help of my colleague Ivan Ma

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MyLoader Is Now Importing at Full Speed

For a long time, I’ve been thinking about the possibility of importing a single file with multiple connections. Why? Simply because we have scenarios where we end up importing a big file with a single loader thread. Well, I have good news: since the release of 0.16.3-1, we are able to do it. There are […]

PHP and MySQL 9

As you can read in my previous post related to MySQL 9 and authentication, the old mysql_native_password plugin has been removed.

In that post, I showed an example using PHP 7.2, the default version in OL8.

If you are using PHP and you want to use MySQL 9, you must be using a more recent version that fully supports the default authentication plugin caching_cha2_password.

Here is a summary table illustrating which PHP versions are compatible with MySQL 9:

This is the test using OL8 and PHP from the official repository and from Remi’s repo:

[root@mysql1 ~]# php test.php 
PHP version: 7.2.24
PHP Warning:  mysqli::__construct(): The server requested authentication method
 unknown to the client …
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MySQL 9.0 – it’s time to abandon the weak authentication method

With the latest MySQL Innovation Release, we decided that it was time to remove the remaining weak authentication plugin: mysql_native_password.

We previously deprecated it and made it not default loaded in MySQL 8.4 LTS and, now, in 9.0 it’s gone!


Oracle places significant attention on the security of all its products, and MySQL is no exception. The removal of the weak authentication plugin has been carefully considered, we had some extra time for the LTS release as it was initially intended for version 8.4, but it is now fully effective.

But why is the mysql_native_password considered as weak compared to more modern …

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MySQL 9.0 is out! Thank you for your contributions!

On July 1st, 3 new releases of MySQL came out. Indeed, we released the next 8.0 (8.0.38), the first update of the 8.4 LTS (8.4.1), and the very first 9.0 as Innovation Release. We now support 3 versions of the most popular Open Source database.

With these releases, we also want to thank all the great contributors who send patches to MySQL.

For some time now, all the contributors have also been highlighted in the Release Notes, but we never thank enough, so let’s take back the good habits of listing them in a dedicated blog post.

Some contributions were merged into multiple versions. Let’s have a look at all these contributions:

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