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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL (reset)
MySQL Vector Datatype: create your operations (part 2)

We saw in the previous post how we can deal with data stored in the new VECTOR datatype that was released with MySQL 9.0.

We implemented the 4 basic mathematical operations between two vectors. To do so we created JavaScript functions. MySQL JavaScript functions are available in MySQL HeatWave and MySQL Enterprise Edition (you can use MySQL EE for free while learning, developing, and prototyping as mentioned here).

For the MySQL Community Users, extending the operations dealing with Vectors can be done by implementing User Defined Functions …

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Severe Instability of MySQL 8.0.38, 8.4.1 and 9.0 Resolved in Upcoming Releases

A couple of weeks ago, my colleague Marco Tusa published an important announcement titled “Do Not Upgrade to Any Version of MySQL After 8.0.37.” The announcement highlighted a critical issue in MySQL 8.0.38, MySQL 8.4.1, and MySQL 9.0.0 that caused database server crashes. Good news! The upcoming minor releases for the community edition of MySQL and […]

MySQL Vector Datatype: create your operations (part 1)

MySQL 9.0.0 has brought the VECTOR datatype to your favorite Open Source Database.

There are already some functions available to deal with those vectors:

This post will show how to deal with vectors and create our own functions to create operations between vectors.

We will use the …

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Online Schema Changes on Tables with Foreign Keys in MySQL

pt-online-schema-change is an amazing tool for assisting in table modifications in cases where ONLINE ALTER is not an option. But if you have foreign keys, this could be an interesting and important read for you. Tables with foreign keys are always complicated, and they have to be handled with care. The use case I am […]

An Interesting Optimization

Introduction # I recently encountered an intriguing bug. A user reported that their query was causing vtgate to fetch a large amount of data, sometimes resulting in an Out Of Memory (OOM) error. For a deeper understanding of grouping and aggregations on Vitess, I recommend reading this prior blog post. The Query # The problematic query was: selectsum(user.type);The planner was unable to delegate aggregation to MySQL, leading to the fetching of a significant amount of data for aggregation.

MySQL 9.0 Includes a New Option for Explaining Queries

MySQL 9.0 is an Innovation Release, but as you may have read in my Quick Peek, I found little innovation. However, one new item caught my eye, and it could be a way to track query performance. MySQL 9.0 EXPLAIN enhancement Here is the syntax that will be referenced in the post. {EXPLAIN | DESCRIBE […]

How to Have a Single MySQL User Account From Specific Hosts

In this article, we will demonstrate how to have a single MySQL database user account that can connect from specific hosts. We would usually implement it by creating separate user accounts with the same username but different hosts/IPs like <USER>@<HOST1>, <USER>@<HOST2> …. <USER>@<HOSTn>. Then, give those users the same grants(privileges/roles) and settings(password, SSL, etc). Instead […]

Ultimate Guide to Improving MySQL Query Performance

MySQL is certainly a powerful open source database management system, but even the most robust engine struggles when queries take an eternity to execute. For DBAs and developers, improving MySQL query performance is an ongoing goal. Efficient query performance is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation and optimal user experience of applications powered by MySQL […]

No MySQL 9.x Innovation Releases from Percona

On July 1st, 2024, Oracle launched MySQL 9.0.0, the first release in the 9.x series. This release and the following six versions (9.1.0 to 9.6.0) are designated as “Innovation Releases.” These releases are characterized by their short support lifecycles, lasting only one quarter, and their focus is on introducing new features and innovations, which may […]

Get Your HeatWave MySQL Data On-Premises with Replication

This article guides you through setting up replication between a HeatWave MySQL instance (source) and an on-premise standalone MySQL instance (replica).
It highlights key steps like creating a replication user, securing the connection, and using MySQL Shell utilities for data transfer.

The post Get Your HeatWave MySQL Data On-Premises with Replication first appeared on - Diary of a MySQL expert.

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