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Displaying posts with tag: mydumper (reset)
Did MyDumper LIKE Triggers?

Yes, but now it likes them more, and here is why. Intro Using the LIKE clause to filter triggers or views from a specific table is common. However, it can play a trick on you, especially if you don’t get to see the output (i.e., in a non-interactive session). Let’s take a look at a […]

Backup and Restore with MyDumper on Docker

At the end of 2021, I pushed the first Docker image to This was the first official image and since then, we have been improving our testing and packaging procedures based on Docker, CircleCI, and GitHub Actions. However, when I’m coding,  I’m not testing in Docker. But a couple of weeks ago, when I was reviewing an issue, I realized some interesting Docker use cases that I want to share.

Common use case

First, we are going to review how to take a simple backup with MyDumper to warm you up:

docker run --name mydumper 
     -v ${backups}:/backups  
     sh -c "rm -rf /backups/data; 
          mydumper -h 
               -o /backups/data 
               -B test 
               -v 3 
               -r 1000 
               -L /backups/mydumper.log"

You will find the backup …

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Masquerade Your Backups To Build QA/Testing Environments With MyDumper

For a long time, MyDumper has been the fastest tool to take Logical Backups. We have been adding several features to expand the use cases. Masquerade was one of these features, but it was only for integer and UUID values. In this blog post, I’m going to present a new functionality that is available in MyDumper and will be available in the next release: we added the possibility to build random data based on a format that the user defines.

How does it work?

During export, mydumper sends SELECT statements to the database. Each row is written one by one as an INSERT statement. Something important that you might not know, is that each column of a row can be transformed by a function. When you execute a backup, the default function is the identity function, as nothing needs to be changed. The function, which can be configured inside the defaults file, will change the …

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Upload Ongoing MyDumper Backups to S3

If you are using MyDumper as your Logical Backup solution and you store your backups on S3, you need to take a local backup and then upload it to S3. But what if there is not enough space to hold the backup on the server where we are taking the backup? Even if we have enough disk space, we will need to wait until the end to start to upload the files, making the whole process longer.

MyDumper implemented stream backup in v0.11.3 and we have been polishing the code since then. We also implemented two ways of executing external commands:

−−exec-per-thread: The worker that is getting the data from the database will write and redirect to the STDIN of the external command. It will be similar to execute cat FILE | command per every written and closed file.

−−exec: In this case, the worker writes in the local storage and when the file is closed, the filename is enqueued. The exec …

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FTWRL on MyDumper Removed

The title is not entirely true, but ‘FTWRL on MyDumper is not needed anymore for consistent backups’ was a long title. One more time, I wanted to share a new feature in MyDumper. This is related to an important piece: the locking mechanism that mydumper uses to sync all the threads.

MyDumper was born because, at that time, we didn’t have a tool that could take a consistent logical backup using multiple threads. Syncing all the threads was one of the problems, which has been solved using FLUSH TABLE WITH READ LOCK (FTWRL), til all the threads execute START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT (STWCS), then we release the FTWRL and all the threads are in sync. We all know that FTWRL is very expensive and difficult to acquire on some database workloads.

I started to think about alternatives to avoid using FTWRL, and my first thought was, why …

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MyDumper’s Stream Implementation

As you might know, mysqldump is single-threaded and STDOUT is its default output. As MyDumper is multithreaded, it has to write on different files. Since version 0.11.3 was released in Nov 2021, we have the possibility to stream our backup in MyDumper. We thought for several months until we decided what was the simplest way to implement it and we also had to add support for compression. So, after fixing several bugs, and we now consider it is stable enough, we can explain how it works.

How Can You Stream if MyDumper is Multithreaded?

Receiving a stream is not a problem for myloader, it receives a file at a time and sends it to a thread to process it. However, each worker thread in mydumper is connected to the database, and as soon as it reads data, it should be sent to the stream, which might cause collisions with other worker threads that are reading data from the database. In order to avoid this issue, we ended up with the …

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MyDumper Github Repository Is Now an Organization

For a long time, MyDumper has been in Max Bubenick’s personal GitHub repository. Now, we decided to move to a new MyDumper’s Organization as requested earlier this year by a user from the community.

There were also two other reasons why we decided to move it. The first one is related to how the project is evolving, and the second is that it will allow us to implement integrations to other projects.

We can see the evolution of the project, noting the increase in commits of the last year:

We tried to keep the release cycle every two months, focusing on closing as many bugs as possible and implementing new features requested. It was not an easy task, as lots of changes had to be implemented in mydumper and myloader engine to allow the new features to be developed. 

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MyDumper 0.11.3 is Now Available

The new MyDumper 0.11.3 version, which includes many new features and bug fixes, is now available.  You can download the code from here.

We are very proud to announce that we were able to achieve the two main objectives for the milestone ZSTD and Stream support!  We added four packages with ZSTD support because not all the distributions have support for v1.4 or higher. Package libzstd is required to use ZSTD compression. ZSTD Bullseye package is only available with libraries for Percona Server for MySQL 8.0. There are two main use cases for the Stream functionality:

  • Importing while you are exporting
  • Remote backups
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MyDumper 0.11.1 is Now Available

The new MyDumper 0.11.1 version, which includes many new features and bug fixes, is now available.  You can download the code from here.

For this release, there are three main changes: 1) we added config file functionality which allows users to set session-level variables (one of the most requested features!), 2) we developed a better and robust import mechanism, and 3) we fixed all the filename related issues.  Those changes and mostly the last one forced us to change the version number from 0.10.9 to 0.11.1 as a backup taken in 0.10.x will not work in 0.11.x and vice versa.

New Features:

  • Adding order by part functionality #388
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MyDumper 0.10.7 is Now Available

The new MyDumper 0.10.7 version, which includes many new features and bug fixes, is now available.  You can download the code from here.

For this release, we have added several features like WHERE support that is required for partial backups. We also added CHECKSUM for tables which help to speed up the restore of large tables to take advantage of fast index creation, and more.

New Features:

  • Adding metadata file per table that contains the number of rows #353
  • Adding –where support #347
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