At the end of 2021, I pushed the first Docker image to This was the first official image and since then, we have been improving our testing and packaging procedures based on Docker, CircleCI, and GitHub Actions. However, when I’m coding, I’m not testing in Docker. But a couple of weeks ago, when I was reviewing an issue, I realized some interesting Docker use cases that I want to share.
Common use case
First, we are going to review how to take a simple backup with MyDumper to warm you up:
docker run --name mydumper --rm -v ${backups}:/backups mydumper/mydumper:v0.14.4-7 sh -c "rm -rf /backups/data; mydumper -h -o /backups/data -B test -v 3 -r 1000 -L /backups/mydumper.log"
You will find the backup …
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