MySQL & Dockers... are not new concepts, people have been
moving to Dockers for some time now. For someone who is
just moving to this for development, it can have a few
While MySQL works just fine running locally, if you are testing
code across different versions of MySQL it is nice to have
several versions easily available.
One option for years has been of course by Giuseppe
Maxia. This is a very valid solution to be able to get
several instances up and test replication and etc etc.
Dockers are now also another often used scenario when it comes to
testing across different versions of MySQL. The following will
just go over some of the steps to get several versions installed
easily. I use OSX so these examples are for OSX.
You need Docker to start and of course and Docker …
Some years ago, Peter Z wrote a blogpost about using MySQL Sandbox to deploy multiple server versions. Last February, Giuseppe introduced us to its successor: dbdeployer. In this blogpost we will demonstrate how to use it. There is a lot of information in Giuseppe’s post, so head there if you want a deeper dive.
First step is to install it, which is really easy to do now since it’s developed in Go, and standalone executables are provided. You can get the latest version …
[Read more]The need to have multiple instances of MySQL (the well-known mysqld process) running in the same server concurrently in a transparent way, instead of having them executed in separate containers/virtual machines, is not very common. Yet from time to time the Percona Support team receives a request from a customer to assist in the configuration of such an environment. MySQL provides a tool to facilitate the execution of multiple instances called mysqld_multi:
“mysqld_multi is designed to manage several mysqld processes that listen for connections on different Unix socket files and TCP/IP ports. It can start or stop servers, or report their current status.”
For tests and development purposes, …
[Read more]The need to have multiple instances of MySQL (the well-known mysqld process) running in the same server concurrently in a transparent way, instead of having them executed in separate containers/virtual machines, is not very common. Yet from time to time the Percona Support team receives a request from a customer to assist in the configuration of such an environment. MySQL provides a tool to facilitate the execution of multiple instances called mysqld_multi:
“mysqld_multi is designed to manage several mysqld processes that listen for connections on different Unix socket files and TCP/IP ports. It can start or stop servers, or report their current status.”
For tests and development purposes, …
[Read more]My previous post was an introduction to the TokuDB storage engine and aimed at explaining the basics of its design and how it differentiates from InnoDB/XtraDB. This post is all about motivating you to give it a try and have a look for yourself. Percona Server is not officially supporting TokuDB as of today, though the guys in the development team are working hard on this and the first GA release of Percona Server with TokuDB is looming on the horizon. However, there’s a beta version available now. For the installation tests in this post I’ve used the latest version of …
[Read more]
After reading Jonathan Levin's article about infobright I
decided I had to try Infobright.
So I downloaded the 32-bit tarball. Normally I would have gone
for a 64-bit build but those only came in RPM and DEB
Then I tried to run infobright community edition (ICE) in a MySQL
Sandbox, but that failed as the resolveip utility failed to give
an answer for localhost.
error while creating grant tables
Neither host 'daniel-thinkpad' nor 'localhost' could be looked up
Please configure the 'hostname' command to return a correct
If you want to solve this at a later stage, restart this
with the --force option
Then I used docker. This went really smooth. You can …
I wanted to do some experimentation with Percona XtraDB Cluster
(Galera) and I didn't want to use virtual machines. I'm already
using MySQL Sandbox for many other projects so that's the natural
I've downloaded the tarball for Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.5.29 and
I've extracted it to ~/opt/mysql/5.5.29-pxc.
Then I've installed 3 nodes:
make_sandbox 5.5.29-pxc -- --sandbox_port 4551 \
--sandbox_directory msb_5_5_29-pxc01
make_sandbox 5.5.29-pxc -- --sandbox_port 4552 \
--sandbox_directory msb_5_5_29-pxc02
make_sandbox 5.5.29-pxc -- --sandbox_port 4553 \
--sandbox_directory msb_5_5_29-pxc03
But when I try to start a node this error happens:
130327 14:21:03 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider
library '/home/dvee
130327 14:21:03 [ERROR] WSREP: wsrep_load(): …
Giuseppe Maxia of Continuent and long time creator of MySQL Sandbox.
Only works on Unix-like servers. Works with MySQL, Percona & MariaDB servers. MySQL server has the data directory, the port and the socket – you can’t share these.
To use it: make_sandbox foo.tar.gz. Then just do ./use.
$SANDBOX_HOME is ~/sandboxes. You can also create ~/opt/mysql/ and if you have MySQL 5.0.91 binary in that directory, you can just do “sb 5.1.91″.
Sandbox has features to start replication systems as well. You can have varying master/slave setups with varying versions as well (good idea to test from MySQL -> MariaDB master->slave for migration).
You can now also play with tungsten-sandbox, which is a great way to start playing with Tungsten …
[Read more]The aims of this kind of blog post is simple – I want to help keep the masses informed as to what’s happening with MariaDB, as a whole. There is a community growing, and MariaDB is a community project, not necessarily a Monty Program Ab baby (and we’re clear on this distinction: think of it like Canonical/Ubuntu). So, think of it as such that I’m sharing the good news, and summarising what’s been happening, to save you time.
MariaDB added to the Debian/Ubuntu wishlists
One of MariaDB’s goals is that it should be easily available for
download. While we provide binaries and source at the MariaDB download page, we would love to see
the binaries sitting in Linux distributions. So it is definitely
good to see that it is on …
A few days back MariaDB announced their first GA release
(see Released: MariaDB 5.1.42), so it is time to
start testing it and there is not better way to test any MySQL
version in a control environment other than MySQL Sandbox.
However Sandbox relies on the fact that the tarball and tarball
target directory are prefixed with mysql, which is not
true with MariaDB. So here are the 2 tricks I had to use
to make it work out of the box.
These steps are explained to create a single sandbox, the tips
can be extrapolated to any other configuration. Also, I am trying
to avoid renaming any files and/or directories as to leave the
packages as close to the original as possible.
Step 1: Use A Symlink For The TarballThe make_sandbox
script will then …