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Displaying posts with tag: aws (reset)
Aurora Hash Join Optimization (with a Gentle Reminder on Lab Features)

The Aurora hash join feature for relational databases has been around for a while now. But unlike MySQL Block Nested Loop algorithm, an Aurora hash join only caters to a specific number of use cases. When implemented with the optimizer properly, they can provide great benefits with certain workloads. Below we’ll see a brief example of a quick win.

This new feature is available in Aurora lab mode version 1.16. Because this is a lab feature, it’s important to make sure to test your queries before upgrading, especially if you are looking to scale up to the new R4 instances before the Superbowl to avoid hitting the same problem I discuss below.

When lab mode is enabled and


  is ON, you can verify the optimizer feature from the



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How is automation impacting the dba role?

via GIPHY I was at a dinner party recently, and talking with some colleagues. I had worked with them years back on Oracle systems. One colleague Maria said she really enjoyed my newsletter. Join 38,000 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. She went on to say how much has changed in the last …

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PMM and IAM Roles

I started to use Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) recently because it seems promising, and my friends from Percona always recommending it to try out, and frankly, at first sight, I like it. There are few things which I am not happy about, but mostly I feel OK – but when it comes to the […]

This Week in Data with Colin Charles 25: Meltdown/Spectre still dominate, FOSDEM approaches and Timescale gets funding

Join Percona Chief Evangelist Colin Charles as he covers happenings, gives pointers and provides musings on the open source database community.

Still on Meltdown/Spectre, this time MariaDB Corporation has published Meltdown Vulnerability Impact On MariaDB Server – interesting the comparison between glibc/tcmalloc. Worthy Facebook thread about this too, with a bit of chat about MongoDB performance. Officially MongoDB says a degradation of 10-15%. ScaleGrid has a good post, in which they test MongoDB against …

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Sneak Peek of the Percona Live 2018 Open Source Database Conference Breakout Sessions!

Take a look at the sneak peek of the breakout sessions for the Percona Live 2018 Open Source Database Conference, taking place April 23-25, 2018 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, California. Early Bird registration discounts are available until February 4, 2018, and sponsorship opportunities are still available.

Conference breakout sessions will feature a range of in-depth talks related to each of the key areas. Breakout session examples include:

  • Database Security as a Function: Scaling to Your Organization’s Needs – Laine Campbell, …
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The State of MySQL High Availability Going in to 2018

High availability for MySQL has become increasingly relevant given the ever increasing rate of adoption and implementation. It’s no secret to anyone in the community that the popularity of MySQL has become noteworthy. I still remember my start with MySQL in the early 5.0 days and people told me that I may not want to consider wasting my time training on a database that didn’t have a large industry adoption, but look at where we are now! One of my favorite pages to cite when trying to exhibit this fact is the ranking trend page where we can see that MySQL is right up there and contending with enterprise products such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle.

MySQL has gone from being part of the ever famous LAMP stack for users looking to set up their first website to seeing adoption from major technical players such as …

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This Week in Data with Colin Charles 22: CPU vulnerabilities and looking forward to 2018

Join Percona Chief Evangelist Colin Charles as he covers happenings, gives pointers and provides musings on the open source database community.

Happy New Year. Here’s to 2018 being a great year in the open source database world. What is in store for us? Probably: MySQL 8.0 and MariaDB Server 10.3 as generally available. What will we see in the rest of the space? Clouds? All I know is that we move fast, and it’s going to be fun to see what unfolds.

The biggest news this week may not necessarily be database related; it focused on CPU security vulnerabilities and the potential slowdowns of your servers once the updates are applied. Please do read Meltdown and Spectre: CPU Security Vulnerabilities. Peter Zaitsev himself, got quoted in …

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Case in Point: A Year of Customer Experience with Percona

In 2017 we have welcomed many new customers into the Percona fold. It’s always interesting to find out what challenges the Percona team helped them to address and how they chose their relationship with Percona. As unbiased champions of open source database software, our consultancy, support and managed services staff apply their expertise across a wide range of technologies. Here are just a few stories from the past year.

Scaling applications on Amazon RDS the right way

Specializing in on-demand transportation services, Grab needed a high-availability, high performing database engine to serve their rapidly growing application. Grab operates in over 30 densely populated …

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Monitoring Amazon Aurora with PMM

In this blog, we’ll look at how to monitor Amazon Aurora using Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM).

One impact of the growth of web services such as AWS on DBAs is the need to understand and report on database and application resource usage. DBAs have always had to monitor for performance-related usability issues, which may have led to investment in larger servers. However, services such as Aurora operate pricing models based on usage. Performance issues can be more closely attributed to rising costs, so badly performing systems more visibly affect the bottom line. DBA has become a cost center!

With that in mind, from Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) 1.5 onwards, we delivered features that provide enhanced support for the performance monitoring of Amazon Aurora instances. “[Aurora] is a fully managed, …

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Percona Live 2018 Call for Papers Deadline Extended to January 12, 2018

Percona is extending the Percona Live 2018 call for papers deadline to January 12, 2018!

Percona’s gift to you this holiday season is the gift of time – submit your speaking topics right up until January 12, 2018!

As the year winds up, we received many requests to extend the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference 2018 call for papers. Since many speakers wanted to submit during the week that they’re planning vacations (from Christmas until New Year’s Day), we realized that December 22 was too soon.

If you haven’t submitted already, please consider doing so. Speaking at …

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