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Displaying posts with tag: scale-out (reset)
MySQL-State of the Union. Interview with Tomas Ulin.

“With MySQL 5.6, developers can now commingle the “best of both worlds” with fast key-value look up operations and complex SQL queries to meet user and application specific requirements” –Tomas Ulin. On February 5, 2013, Oracle announced the general availability of MySQL 5.6. I have interviewed Tomas Ulin, Vice President for the MySQL Engineering team [...]

Scaling out and creating fault tolerant systems with MySQL replication

A few days back, reading the article on the Moore's law, I thought it is not too difficult to extend this for an analogous situation, e.g. the amount of data being cached by a search engine like Google also grows exponentially. With changing times we need to have solution that would adapt to the changing data requirements and availability solutions like virtual infinite scale-out like cloud. Even though virtualization is not exactly a database concept, it's  not long when we will have it as a standard for RDBMS. This article is however  about using MySQL replication to scale out reads and make it fault-tolerant.

MySQL replication is essentially asynchronous  i.e. it doesnot guarantee zero latency between the master and the slave(s).  This, by extension means that in case of a master crash, data may be lost if we decide to promote one of the slave to be the master and that is why while scaling …

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Got open source cloud storage? Red Hat buys Gluster

Red Hat’s $136m acquisition of open source storage vendor Gluster marks Red Hat’s biggest buy since JBoss and starts the fourth quarter with a very intersting deal. The acquisition is definitely good for Red Hat since it bolsters its Cloud Forms IaaS and OpenShift PaaS technology and strategy with storage, which is often the starting point for enterprise and service provider cloud computing deployments. The acquisition also gives Red Hat another weapon in its fight against VMware, Microsoft and others, including OpenStack, of which Gluster is a member (more on that further down). The deal is also good for Gluster given the sizeable price Red Hat is paying for the provider of open source, software-based, scale-out storage for unstructured data and also as validation of both open source and software in today’s IT and cloud computing storage.

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Binlog Group Commit Experiments

Binlog Group Commit Experiments

It was a while ago since I talked about binary log group commit. I had to spend time on a few other things.

Since then, Kristian has released a version of binary log group commit that seems to …

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Setting up Master-Slave Replication with MySQL

Replication enables data from one MySQL server to be replicated on one or more other MySQL servers. Replication is mostly used as scale-out solution. In such a solution, all writes and updates take place on the master server, while reads take place on one or more slaves. This model is actually known as master-slave replication and this is the kind of replication that I will be setting up in this post.

Continuent launches Tungsten project for database scale-out

Continuent is probably best known for its database clustering technology for MySQL, as well as PostgreSQL, but the company has for some time had its sights set on expanding beyond open source databases and enabling horizontal database scalability.

It has just taken a major step towards delivering on both counts with the launch of Tungsten, its new stack of open source middleware technologies designed to enable low-cost databases to scale horizontally for database failover and continuity.

Tungsten includes includes Sequoia, the existing …

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MySQL Conference Liveblogging: Portable Scale-out Benchmarks For MySQL (Wednesday 10:50AM)
  • Robert Hodges from Continuent presents
  • About Continuent
    • leading provider of open source database availability and scaling solutions
  • solutions
    • uni/cluster - multi-master database clustering that replicates data across multiple databases and load balances reads
    • uses "database virtualization"
  • scale-out design motivation
    • protection from db and site failures
    • continuous operation during upgrades
  • how come not everyone has it already?
  • creating identical replicas across different hosts is hard
    • Brewer's conjecture
  • trade-offs
    • DDL support
    • inconsistent reads between replicas
    • deadlocks
    • sequences …
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BLOB locators + BLOB streaming + Replication = Yeah!

On the MySQL Conference & Expo 2007, I had the chance of meeting up with Paul (the author of PBXT) and Mikael. We briefly touched the topic of the BLOB Streaming Protocol that Paul is working on, which I find really neat. On the way back home, I traveled with Anders Karlsson (one of MySQL:s Sales Engineers), who is responsible for the BLOB Locator worklog and he described the concepts from his viewpoint.

Since I work with replication, these things got me thinking on what the impact is for replication and how it affects usability, efficiency, and scale-out. Being a RESTful guy, I started thinking about URIs both when Paul …

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