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Displaying posts with tag: Middleware (reset)
Concrete5 CMS

Today, a lot of CMS are existing, WordPress, Joomla, Magento, and others, in this blog I will share my experience Concrete5 through a web agency specialized based in Geneva: 8 Ways Media

What Concrete5?

Not only a CMS (Content Management System) open source based on a webserver, it is coded in PHP using a MySQL database, but also it's a great Framework for developers. A simplified system (optional), URL rewriting is present to increase the performance of indexing sites from search engines.

C5 can also be used in the development of Web applications.

C5 also provides, through its content management and user rights, create intranets for companies (small scale in my opinion, it is better for an …

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Got open source cloud storage? Red Hat buys Gluster

Red Hat’s $136m acquisition of open source storage vendor Gluster marks Red Hat’s biggest buy since JBoss and starts the fourth quarter with a very intersting deal. The acquisition is definitely good for Red Hat since it bolsters its Cloud Forms IaaS and OpenShift PaaS technology and strategy with storage, which is often the starting point for enterprise and service provider cloud computing deployments. The acquisition also gives Red Hat another weapon in its fight against VMware, Microsoft and others, including OpenStack, of which Gluster is a member (more on that further down). The deal is also good for Gluster given the sizeable price Red Hat is paying for the provider of open source, software-based, scale-out storage for unstructured data and also as validation of both open source and software in today’s IT and cloud computing storage.

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As license issues swirl, a new CAOS report

There has been no shortage of lively discussion on open source software licenses with recent shifts in the top licenses, perspectives on the licenses or lack of them for networked, SaaS and cloud-based software, increased prominence of a Microsoft open source license and concern over the openness (or closedness, depending on your perspedtive) of the latest devices. Amid all of it, we’re pleased to present our latest long-form report, CAOS 12 - The Myth of Open Source …

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Another Pluggable Storage Engine for MySQL

Kazuho Oku of Cybozu Labs, Inc., a community contributor to MySQL and SCA signatory, gives a talk on Q4M, a message queue stroage engine for MySQL.

Another Pluggable Storage Engine for MySQL

Kazuho Oku of Cybozu Labs, Inc., a community contributor to MySQL and SCA signatory, gives a talk on Q4M, a message queue stroage engine for MySQL.

Another Pluggable Storage Engine for MySQL

Kazuho Oku of Cybozu Labs, Inc., a community contributor to MySQL and SCA signatory, gives a talk on Q4M, a message queue stroage engine for MySQL.

Comparing the JBoss and MySQL acquisitions

Just saw this story on Slashdot which made me think of this post from Marc Fleury.

The Slashdot story questions what/where is the official MySQL tree:

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Middle-tier Terminology and Concepts

If you are at a party, barbecue, tail-gate or other social event the topic of middleware or middle-tier may come up. This article will teach you enough to join in or maybe more importantly to walk away.

There are a lot of different languages used to build web applications. The key point to remember is that all of them end up generating HTML code that is returned to a browser.

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