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Displaying posts with tag: contribution (reset)
Faster MySQL Startup with Many Tables (1M+)

I have been scratching my head about MySQL startup for some time.  There is much to say about this, and many other posts will probably follow.  For now, it is enough to know that with many tables (millions) the startup of MySQL 8.0+ (including 8.0, 8.4 and 9.0) is suboptimal (to say the least).  With very little changes, I was able to speed it up, from 2:39 to 1:09 (one minute and

RFC: Database / Schema in the Slow Query Log File

A month ago, I announced that I am working on a MySQL Contribution to add database / schema in the slow query log file (bug report, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and MySQL Community Slack).  My contribution is ready, and before submitting it, I would like feedback, so I am writing this post as a Request for Comments (RFC).  If you are in a hurry, you can go directly to the RFC Fake PR.&

Updates to Code for MySQL Concurrency – v1.1 and v1.2


When I wrote the book MySQL Concurrency I included a Python module for MySQL Shell that would help reproducing the examples in the book. Since things change, it has been necessary to update the code. In this blog I will explain what the changes are which also give me a chance to say thanks to those that have submitted pull requests.

MySQL Concurrency

Version v1.1 was mostly about correcting the directory structure of the repository which was not as it was meant to be – and different from the instructions in the book. Additionally some files with code listings and images were missing. …

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MySQL Server 8.0.18: Thanks for the Contributions


In my blog series about external contributions to MySQL 8 we have reached version 8.0.18 which was released Monday 14 October 2019. Again the community has contributed to make MySQL better. Thank you.

The contributions to MySQL 8.0.18 includes several patches from Facebook as well as patches from Gillian Gunson, Przemysław Skibiński (Percona), Daniel Black, and Satya Bodapati (also Percona). The contributions are:

  • MySQL now provides more control over the use of compression to minimize the number of bytes sent over connections to the server. Previously, a given connection was either uncompressed or used the zlib compression algorithm. Now, it is also possible to use the zstd algorithm (zstd 1.3), and to …
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MySQL Server 8.0.17: Thanks for the Contributions


MySQL 8.0.17 was released Monday and it includes great features such as the Clone feature and multi-valued indexes. There are also several nice contributions from the community. These are the changes that this blog is about.

The contributions to MySQL Server 8.0.17 include patches from Facebook, Daniël van Eeden, Mattias Jonsson, and Simon Mudd (all from, Daniel Black, Yibo Cai (from Arm Technology), Josh Braden, and Zhou Mengkang. The larger contributions are:

  • The mysql client program now sends os_user and os_sudouser connection attributes, when available, to indicate the name of the operating system user running the program and the value of the SUDO_USER environment variable, respectively. For general information …
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MySQL Server 8.0.16: Thanks for the Contributions


MySQL 8.0.16 was released last week and includes many great features including support for CHECK constraints and upgrades without the need of mysql_upgrade. As usual there are also several contributions from the community. These are the ones, I would like to highlight in this blog to say “thank you for the contributions”.

Facebook has contributed with another two patches and so has Daniel Black. Additionally, there are patches from Yuhui Wang, Wei Zhao, Yan Huang, and Dirkjan Bussink. The contributions are:

  • now supports the MTR_UNIQUE_IDS_DIR environment variable, which may be set to specify a unique-IDs directory to be used as the common location …
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Improving Sakila database

The Sakila sample database was created almost 10 years ago, as a sample set of data for MySQL courses and examples.

The database was developed by MySQL employees, with substantial contributions form the community.

Recently, the database was updated to use some of the features in MySQL 5.7. As a result, we had two sets of samples, one to use with MySQL 5.0+, and one that only loads with MySQL 5.7.

I filed a feature request, offering a patch to use conditional schema and data changes, which was incorporated very quickly into the official release.

The current release, available within the …

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CAOS Theory Podcast 2010.12.10

Topics for this podcast:

*Oracle, Java, the Apache Software Foundation and open source
*An update on some open source database and data management players
*CorraTech grows with support for open source application alternatives
*Red Hat-Makara acquisition analysis and impact
*Linux kernel report shows strong support, but what now for Novell?

iTunes or direct download (29:31, 5.1MB)

New GPL suits and an open source imbalance

A new round of GPL-based BusyBox suits has been filed, targeting big names in electronics and IT. We’ve long covered these series of GPL-based suits and settlements, but this latest round comes at an interesting time for open source software and its licensing.

First, we have the backdrop of the Oracle-Sun-MySQL acquisition, with opponents arguing to the world and the European Commission, which is reviewing the proposed merger before approving it, in part that the GPL is, ironically, granting too much power to its user, in this case Oracle. I’ve been quoted in the press and honestly agree with …

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Automating MySQL Librarian tasks

The MySQL Librarian is a collection of community generated content, easy to search and to extend. If you have missed the announcement, you may look at Introducing the MySQL Librarian..
To add a new link, you have several ways. You can just use the Add A Link feature inside the Librarian. If the link to be added comes from Planet MySQL, every post has a link to facilitate the insertion to the Librarian. For everything else, adding a link is a manual task. Until today. …
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