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Displaying posts with tag: slow query log (reset)
RFC: Database / Schema in the Slow Query Log File

A month ago, I announced that I am working on a MySQL Contribution to add database / schema in the slow query log file (bug report, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and MySQL Community Slack).  My contribution is ready, and before submitting it, I would like feedback, so I am writing this post as a Request for Comments (RFC).  If you are in a hurry, you can go directly to the RFC Fake PR.&

How to filter MySQL slow queries using pt-query-digest

The pt-query-digest is my go-to tool in order to perform slow query analysis, improve query performance and thus overall MySQL performance. In this blog post, I’m going to highlight the…

The post How to filter MySQL slow queries using pt-query-digest first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

MySQL Slow query log export and review in RDS

A friend needed to analyze slow queries and for that he decides to use pt-query-digest tool. Though he got stuck at exporting slow queries from slow logs in RDS for…

The post MySQL Slow query log export and review in RDS first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Using Slow Query Log to Find High Load Spots in MySQL

This post was originally published in October 2018 and was updated in March 2023.

pt-query-digest is one of the most commonly used tools for query auditing in MySQL. By default, pt-query-digest reports the top ten queries consuming the most amount of time inside MySQL. A query that takes more time than the set threshold for completion is considered slow, but it’s not always true that tuning such queries makes them faster. Sometimes, when resources on the server are busy, it will impact every other operation on the server, and so will impact queries too. In such cases, you will see the proportion of slow queries going up. That can also include queries that work fine in general.

This article explains a small trick to identify such spots using pt-query-digest and the slow query log. pt-query-digest …

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Percona Server for MySQL Highlights – Extended Slow Query Logging

Last year, I made the first post in a small series, which aimed to highlight unique features of Percona Server for MySQL, by discussing binlog_space_limit option.

Today, I am going to discuss another important type of log available in MySQL that is enhanced in Percona Server for MySQL – the slow query log. The reason why I am doing this is that although this extension has existed since the very early times of versions 5.1 (over 10 years ago!), many people are still unaware of it, which I see from time to time when working with Support customers.

Default Slow Log Inadequacy

How many times have you been wondering why, whilst reviewing slow query logs, the very same query occasionally runs way slower than usual? There may be many reasons for that, but the standard slow …

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MySQL Tutorial – Managing MySQL Server Logs: Rotate, Compress, Retain & Delete

MySQL Server generates several logs that can help you monitor the activities of the server. However, once these logs are enabled, they can grow in size and start taking up too much disk space. This is why it’s important to have an automated way of archiving and preserving MySQL log files for a certain duration, as well as deleting the old ones. In this blog post, we describe some best practices for setting up and managing MySQL error logs, general logs and slow query logs for your MySQL deployments.

Setting Up MySQL Server Logging

Let’s look at how to setup the following 3 types of logs:

Error Log

Logs all the problems encountered during starting, running, or stopping mysqld. This log can be enabled by having the following option in /etc/my.cnf file:

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Analyzing Amazon Aurora Slow Logs with pt-query-digest

In this blog post we shall discuss how you can analyze slow query logs from Amazon Aurora for MySQL, (referred to as Amazon Aurora in the remaining blog). The tools and techniques explained here apply to the other MySQL compatible services available under Amazon Aurora. However, we’ll focus specially on analyzing slow logs from Amazon Aurora version 2 (MySQL 5.7 compatible) using pt-query-digest. We believe there is a bug in Aurora where it logs really big numbers for query execution and lock times for otherwise really fast queries.

So, the main steps we need are:

  1. Enable slow query logging on your Amazon Aurora DB parameter group, apply the change when appropriate.
  2. Download the slow log(s) that …
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Increasing functional testing velocity with pt-query-digest

Whenever we do upgrades for our clients from one major version of MySQL to another we strongly recommend to test in two forms.

First, it would be a performance test between the old version and the new version to make sure there aren’t going to be any unexpected issues with the query processing rates. Secondly, do a functional test to ensure all queries that are running on the old version will not have syntactic errors or problems with reserved words in the new version that we’re upgrading to.

If a client doesn’t have an appropriate testing platform to perform these types of tests, we will leverage available tools to test to the best of our ability. More often than not this includes using pt-upgrade after capturing slow logs with …

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Advanced MySQL Slow Query Logging Part 3: fine-tuning the logging process

When your car doesn’t start, you don’t just blindly change the battery, starter, fuel pump, spark plugs or all of the above. Instead, you go to your mechanic and ask him to check what is wrong (or you check it yourself if you are the mechanic) and then fix whatever is broken.

Yet very often I see DBAs doing exactly the opposite with their MySQL servers. Rather than assessing what is the server so busy with, they keep changing configuration options until the problem “goes away”. Alternatively, they add more RAM, more CPUs or faster disks, depending on which resources seems to be the most busy at a time. Or they switch to a new server altogether.

MySQL (with a help of some tools) has a really convenient way to analyse the workload and see clearly what exactly is MySQL so busy doing. And even how much improvement you can expect by, say, fixing a specific MySQL query.

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Advanced MySQL Slow Query Logging Part 2: pt-query-digest report

Proper MySQL Query Optimization starts with a proper Slow Query Logging session. And MySQL Query Optimization is where I spend 70-80% of my time when doing MySQL performance optimization.

In part 2 here, we will go over the pt-query-digest report, that we have prepared in part 1.

Here’s links to the other two parts:

The post Advanced MySQL Slow Query Logging Part 2: …

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