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Displaying posts with tag: slow_log (reset)
MySQL Slow query log export and review in RDS

A friend needed to analyze slow queries and for that he decides to use pt-query-digest tool. Though he got stuck at exporting slow queries from slow logs in RDS for…

The post MySQL Slow query log export and review in RDS first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Problems turning on the MySQL slow log under 5.1+

I started debugging a performance problem and noticed the following when trying to enable the MySQL slow log:

mysql> set @@global.slow_query_log=ON;ERROR 13 (HY000): Can't get stat of './mysql/slow_log.CSV' (Errcode: 2)

What is going on?First off within MySQL5.1 MySQL has the ability to put slow logs into a CSV table to query against. It appears even though the slow query logging is set to file, MySQL server confirms that the slow_log table within the mysql schema is there and working.

As a background, this database was hotbackup restored from another server. As Pythian mention, CVS tables are not synced over by default.

To recover, lets put an empty CVS file structure on the filesystem and turn the slow query on:
box01:/databases/data/mysql# touch …

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