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Displaying posts with tag: Book (reset)
Is MySQL in the Cloud the End of the DBA?

No, I don’t think so. But it is does change our profession and have important implications for software engineers using (not managing) MySQL.

Is MySQL in the Cloud the End of the DBA?

No, I don’t think so. But it is does change our profession and have important implications for software engineers using (not managing) MySQL.

Is MySQL in the Cloud the End of the DBA?

No, I don’t think so. But it is does change our profession and have important implications for software engineers using (not managing) MySQL.

How Not to Use MySQL

Chapter 9 of Efficient MySQL Performance changed in development. Originally, it was a chapter titled “Not MySQL”, as in “how not to use MySQL.” But we (O’Reilly and I) pulled the chapter, and the current chapter 9 in print is “Other Challenges”: an important laundry list of other challenges engineers using MySQL must be aware of and address. This blog post is a sketch of the unwritten chapter 9: how not to use MySQL.

How Not to Use MySQL

Chapter 9 of Efficient MySQL Performance changed in development. Originally, it was a chapter titled “Not MySQL”, as in “how not to use MySQL.” But we (O’Reilly and I) pulled the chapter, and the current chapter 9 in print is “Other Challenges”: an important laundry list of other challenges engineers using MySQL must be aware of and address. This blog post is a sketch of the unwritten chapter 9: how not to use MySQL.

How Not to Use MySQL

Chapter 9 of Efficient MySQL Performance changed in development. Originally, it was a chapter titled “Not MySQL”, as in “how not to use MySQL.” But we (O’Reilly and I) pulled the chapter, and the current chapter 9 in print is “Other Challenges”: an important laundry list of other challenges engineers using MySQL must be aware of and address. This blog post is a sketch of the unwritten chapter 9: how not to use MySQL.

Mining the MySQL Performance Schema for Transactions

The MySQL Performance Schema is a gold mine of valuable data. Among the many nuggets you can extract from it is an historical report of transactions: how long a transaction took to execute, what queries were executed in it (with query metrics), and idle time between queries. Mining this information is not trivial, but it’s fun and this blog post shows how to start.

Mining the MySQL Performance Schema for Transactions

The MySQL Performance Schema is a gold mine of valuable data. Among the many nuggets you can extract from it is an historical report of transactions: how long a transaction took to execute, what queries were executed in it (with query metrics), and idle time between queries. Mining this information is not trivial, but it’s fun and this blog post shows how to start.

Mining the MySQL Performance Schema for Transactions

The MySQL Performance Schema is a gold mine of valuable data. Among the many nuggets you can extract from it is an historical report of transactions: how long a transaction took to execute, what queries were executed in it (with query metrics), and idle time between queries. Mining this information is not trivial, but it’s fun and this blog post shows how to start.

Better Replication Heartbeats

We’ve been measuring MySQL replication lag with heartbeats for more than a decade. It works, but can we do better? Let’s see.

Showing entries 1 to 10 of 83
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