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Displaying posts with tag: performance-schema (reset)
Configuring MySQL Query Metrics

Editors and technical reviewers suggested that I cover how to configure MySQL query metrics in chapter 1 of Efficient MySQL Performance, but I deferred because it was out of scope for the book, which focuses on engineers using MySQL, not DBAs. As such, there’s only a note in chapter 1 that says: “Ask your DBA or read the MySQL manual.” But I’ll cover the topic here because that’s what this blog post series is for: behind the book.

Configuring MySQL Query Metrics

Editors and technical reviewers suggested that I cover how to configure MySQL query metrics in chapter 1 of Efficient MySQL Performance, but I deferred because it was out of scope for the book, which focuses on engineers using MySQL, not DBAs. As such, there’s only a note in chapter 1 that says: “Ask your DBA or read the MySQL manual.” But I’ll cover the topic here because that’s what this blog post series is for: behind the book.

Configuring MySQL Query Metrics

Editors and technical reviewers suggested that I cover how to configure MySQL query metrics in chapter 1 of Efficient MySQL Performance, but I deferred because it was out of scope for the book, which focuses on engineers using MySQL, not DBAs. As such, there’s only a note in chapter 1 that says: “Ask your DBA or read the MySQL manual.” But I’ll cover the topic here because that’s what this blog post series is for: behind the book.

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