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Displaying posts with tag: Philosophy (reset)
Lessons From 20 Years Hacking MySQL (Part 1)

I vividly remember 2004 when I decided to specialize in MySQL because the year before I was homeless and living in my car. It’s been a long road and an amazing journey ever since.

Lessons From 20 Years Hacking MySQL (Part 2)

A relational database is more than a data bank, it’s a profound philosophical expression. This is the second and final part of “Lessons From 20 Years Hacking MySQL”.

Is MySQL in the Cloud the End of the DBA?

No, I don’t think so. But it is does change our profession and have important implications for software engineers using (not managing) MySQL.

Is MySQL in the Cloud the End of the DBA?

No, I don’t think so. But it is does change our profession and have important implications for software engineers using (not managing) MySQL.

Is MySQL in the Cloud the End of the DBA?

No, I don’t think so. But it is does change our profession and have important implications for software engineers using (not managing) MySQL.

I Don't Want to Shard (MySQL)

Chapter 5 of Efficient MySQL Performance addresses sharding, and it was difficult to write but not for technical reasons. Let me say a little more on the matter.

I Don't Want to Shard (MySQL)

Chapter 5 of Efficient MySQL Performance addresses sharding, and it was difficult to write but not for technical reasons. Let me say a little more on the matter.

I Don't Want to Shard (MySQL)

Chapter 5 of Efficient MySQL Performance addresses sharding, and it was difficult to write but not for technical reasons. Let me say a little more on the matter.

Performance Is Less

Is MySQL performance about “more” or “less”? From the title, you can tell that I’m going to argue that it’s about “less”. Here’s the punchline: zero is maximum performance. Let’s see where this philosophical blog post leads us.

Performance Is Less

Is MySQL performance about “more” or “less”? From the title, you can tell that I’m going to argue that it’s about “less”. Here’s the punchline: zero is maximum performance. Let’s see where this philosophical blog post leads us.

Showing entries 1 to 10 of 15
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