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Displaying posts with tag: Benchmarks (reset)
The MySQL Clone Wars: Plugin vs. Percona XtraBackup

Large replication topologies are quite common nowadays, and this kind of architecture often requires a quick method to rebuild a replica from another server.

The Clone Plugin, available since MySQL 8.0.17, is a great feature that allows cloning databases out of the box. It is easy to rebuild a replica or to add new nodes to a cluster using the plugin. Before the release of the plugin, the best open-source alternative was Percona XtraBackup for MySQL Databases.

In this blog post, we compare both alternatives for cloning purposes. If you need to perform backups, Percona XtraBackup is a better tool as it supports compression and incremental backups, among other features not provided by the plugin. The plugin supports compression only for network transmission, not for storage.

But one of the plugin’s strong points is simplicity. …

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Amazon Aurora Multi-Primary First Impression

For what reason should I use a real multi-primary setup?

To be clear, not a multi-writer solution where any node can become the active writer in case of needs, as for Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) or Percona Server for MySQL using Group_replication. No, we are talking about a multi-primary setup where I can write at the same time on multiple nodes. I want to insist on this “why?”.

After having excluded the possible solutions mentioned above, both covering the famous 99.995% availability, which is 26.30 minutes of downtime in a year, what is left?

Disaster Recovery? Well, that is something I would love to have, but to be a real DR solution we need to put several kilometers (miles for imperial) in the middle.

And we know …

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More on Checkpoints in InnoDB MySQL 8

Recently I posted about checkpointing in MySQL, where MySQL showed interesting “wave” behavior.

Soon after Dimitri posted a solution with how to fix “waves,” and I would like to dig a little more into proposed suggestions, as there are some materials to process.

This post will be very heavy on InnoDB configuration, so let’s start with the basic configuration for MySQL, but before that some initial environment.

I use MySQL version 8.0.21 on the hardware as described here

As for the storage, I am not using some “old dusty SSD”, but production available Enterprise-Grade Intel SATA SSD …

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MySQL Performance : Understanding InnoDB IO Internals & "Checkpointing"

Few weeks ago with a big curiosity I was reading several articles published by Percona about TPCC Benchmark results and MySQL 8.0 "checkpointing" issues..

Unfortunately, in these articles there was no any explanation nor any tentative to understand what is going on, an probably at least try and validate some "first coming in mind" tuning / troubleshooting options.. (And even no any try to show in action so often advertised PMM, and see on what it'll point ?)..

All in all, in the following article I'll try to feel up the "white holes" left in this TPCC testing..

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How Can ScaleFlux Handle MySQL Workload?

Recently I had the opportunity to test a storage device from ScaleFlux called CSD 2000. In this blog post, I will share the results of using it to run MySQL in comparison with an Intel device that had a similar capacity.

First of all, why do we need another storage device? Why is ScaleFlux any different?

The answer is simple; it gives us built-in compression and atomic writes. For many workloads, but especially for database-type workloads, these are very important features.

Because of built-in compression, we can store more data on the ScaleFlux device than on a similar device with the same capacity.

Because of atomic writes, we can disable InnoDB Double Write buffer which means less writes/fsync on the disk layer. This should give us a performance advantage against non-atomic drives.

I ran many different tests on different data sizes, with different …

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The Transaction Behavior Impact of innodb_rollback_on_timeout in MySQL

I would say that innodb_rollback_on_timeout is a very important parameter. In this blog, I am going to explain “innodb_rollback_on_timeout” and how it affects the transaction behavior at the MySQL level. I describe two scenarios with practical tests, as it would be helpful to understand this parameter better.

What is innodb_rollback_on_timeout?

The parameter Innodb_rollback_on_timeout will control the behavior of the transaction when a failure occurs with timeout.

  • If –innodb-rollback-on-timeout=OFF ( default ) is specified, InnoDB rollbacks only the last statement on a transaction timeout.
  • If –innodb-rollback-on-timeout=ON is specified, a transaction timeout causes InnoDB to abort and roll back the entire transaction.

Let’s conduct the test with the …

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MySQL Performance : TPCC "Mystery" [SOLVED]

The TPCC workload "mystery" exposed in the following post was already clarified the last year, and I've presented explanations about the observed problem during PerconaLIVE-2019. But slides are slides, while article is article ;-)) So, I decided to take a time to write a few lines more about, to keep this post as a reference for further TPCC investigations..

The "mystery" is related to observed scalability issues on MySQL 8.0 under the given TPCC workload -- just that on the old aged DBT-2 workload (TPCC variation) I was getting much higher TPS when running on 2 CPU Sockets, comparing to1 CPU Socket, which is was not at all the case for Sysbench-TPCC.

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MySQL Performance : XFS -vs- EXT4 Story

This post was remaining in stand-by for a long time, specially that I was expecting that observed issues will be fixed soon. But time is going, and the problems are remaining. And I'm constantly asked "why, Dimitri, you're suggesting now to use XFS, while in the past you always suggested EXT4 ??" -- hope the following article will clarify you the "why" and maybe motivate you to do your own evaluations to see how well the things are working for you on your own systems under your own workloads..

NOTE : this will also clarify why the new Double Write did not appear in MySQL 8.0 in 2018, as it was planned, but only recently (

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MySQL Performance : The New InnoDB Double Write Buffer in Action

The new MySQL-8.0.20 release is coming with re-designed InnoDB Double Write Buffer (DBLWR), and, indeed, it's one huge historical PITA less.. -- why it was so painful and cost us much blood in the past, I could not better explain than already done it in the following article yet from 2018 about MySQL on IO-bound workloads.. The story is not complete, as it's missing the 2019's chapter (will tell it later, np) -- but if you'll (re)read the mentioned above article first, you'll better understand the next ;-))

But at least the current post is only about good news now -- the new DBLWR and how it helps to solve historical MySQL performance problems ! -- and as one picture is better than million words, I'll try to save 3M words here (as there are 3 pictures in this article ;-))

Well, I'll also skip all new design details …

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Benchmarking: More Stable Results with CPU Affinity Setting

When I run a benchmark and want to measure the CPU efficiency of something, I find it’s often a good choice to run a benchmark program, as well as the database, on the same server. This is in order to eliminate network impact and to look at single-thread performance, to eliminate contention.

Usually, this approach gives rather stable results; for example, benchmarking MySQL with Sysbench OLTP Read-Only workload I get a variance of less than one percent between 1-minute runs.

In this case, though, I was seeing some 20 percent difference between the runs, which looked pretty random and would not go away even with longer 10-minute runs.

The benchmark I did was benchmarking MySQL through ProxySQL (all running on the same machine):

Sysbench -> ProxySQL -> MySQL 

As I thought more about possible reasons, I thought CPU scheduling might be a problem. As requests pass …

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