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Displaying posts with tag: IO-bound (reset)
MySQL Performance : Understanding InnoDB IO Internals & "Checkpointing"

Few weeks ago with a big curiosity I was reading several articles published by Percona about TPCC Benchmark results and MySQL 8.0 "checkpointing" issues..

Unfortunately, in these articles there was no any explanation nor any tentative to understand what is going on, an probably at least try and validate some "first coming in mind" tuning / troubleshooting options.. (And even no any try to show in action so often advertised PMM, and see on what it'll point ?)..

All in all, in the following article I'll try to feel up the "white holes" left in this TPCC testing..

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MySQL Performance : The New InnoDB Double Write Buffer in Action

The new MySQL-8.0.20 release is coming with re-designed InnoDB Double Write Buffer (DBLWR), and, indeed, it's one huge historical PITA less.. -- why it was so painful and cost us much blood in the past, I could not better explain than already done it in the following article yet from 2018 about MySQL on IO-bound workloads.. The story is not complete, as it's missing the 2019's chapter (will tell it later, np) -- but if you'll (re)read the mentioned above article first, you'll better understand the next ;-))

But at least the current post is only about good news now -- the new DBLWR and how it helps to solve historical MySQL performance problems ! -- and as one picture is better than million words, I'll try to save 3M words here (as there are 3 pictures in this article ;-))

Well, I'll also skip all new design details …

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MySQL Performance : 8.0 on IO-bound OLTP_RW vs Percona Server 5.7

This article is inspired by Percona blog post comparing MySQL 8.0 and Percona Server 5.7 on IO-bound workload with Intel Optane storage. There are several claims made by Vadim based on a single test case, which is simply unfair. So, I'll try to clarify this all based on more test results and more tech details..
But before we start, some intro :
InnoDB Parallel Flushing -- was introduced with MySQL 5.7 (as a single-thread flushing could no more follow), and implemented as dedicated parallel threads (cleaners) which are involved in background once per second to do LRU-driven flushing first (in case there is no more or too low amount of free pages) and then REDO-driven flushing (to flush …

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MySQL Performance : 8.0 GA on IO-bound TPCC

This post is mainly inspired by findings from the previous testing of MySQL 8.0 on TPCC workload(s) and observations from IO-bound Sysbench OLTP on Optane -vs- SSD. But also by several "urban myths" I'm often hearing when discussing with users about their IO-bound OLTP performance problems :
Myth #1 : "if I'll double the number of my storage drives -- I'll get x2 times better TPS !"

  • this was mostly true during "HDD era", and again..
  • (ex.: a single thread app doing single random IO reads from a single HDD will not go faster by doing the same from 2x HDD -- similar like single thread workload will not run faster on 8CPU cores -vs- 2CPU cores, etc.)
  • all depends …
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MySQL Performance : 8.0 GA on IO-bound Sysbench OLTP with Optane -vs- SSD

MySQL Performance on IO-bound workloads is still extremely depending on the underlaying storage layer (thus is directly depending on your Storage Performance).. Indeed, flash storage is definitively changing the game, but even with flash there is, as usual, "flash and flash" -- all storage vendors are improving their stuff constantly, so every time you have something new to discover and to learn ;-)) During all my MySQL 8.0 GA tests I was very pleasantly surprised by IO performance delivered by Intel Optane SSD. However, what the storage device can deliver alone on pure IO tests is not at all the same to what you could observe when it's used by MySQL -- unfortunately, in the past I've observed many cases when with a device claimed to be x2 times faster we were even not observing 10% gain.. But MySQL 8.0 is probably the most best placed MySQL version today to re-visit all this IO-bound story (there are many "under-hood" changes in the code helping to …

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MySQL Performance : 1M *IO-bound* QPS with 8.0 GA on Intel Optane SSD !

Historically, Random I/O Reads were always a major PITA for any OLTP workload.. If Random I/O Writes you could yet "delay" via controller's caches (or any kind of other battery-protected caches -- specially if Writes are coming in bursts), there is no way to "predict" I/O Reads if they are fully Random (so you cannot "cache" or "prefetch" them ahead and have to deliver the data directly from storage, read by read.. -- which is hitting a huge "rotation penalty" on HDD).
Indeed, things changed dramatically since arriving of Flash Storage. You don't need to spend any particular attention if your I/O Reads are Random or Sequential. However, you still need to keep in mind to not hit the overall throughout limit of your Flash Device. As the result, reading by smaller I/O blocks allowing you to do more I/O operations/sec than with bigger blocks. And what about InnoDB ? -- InnoDB is using by default 16KB page size (so by default all Random I/O …

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