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Displaying posts with tag: Key-Value Store (reset)
5.5M Key Lookups per second on 16 VCPU VMs

 As introduced in a previous blog RonDB enables us to easily execute benchmarks on RonDB using the Sysbench benchmark.

In this blog I will present some results where the RonDB cluster had 2 data nodes, each using a r5.4xlarge VM in AWS that has 16 VCPUs and 128 GB memory. The Sysbench test uses SQL to access RonDB.

In this particular test case we wanted to test the Key-Lookup performance using SQL. Key-Lookup performance is essential in the RonDB use case as an online Feature Store in Hopsworks.

In this case we use the …

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Research on Thread Pipelines using RonDB



In my previous two blogs on this topic I first introduced the concept of automatic thread configuration and the thread model we use in RonDB. After receiving some questions on the topic I dived a bit deeper into explaining the RonDB thread model and its thread pipeline and compared it to another similar concept called batch pipelines.

Since then I read up a bit more on the research in this area with a focus on implementations in other key-value stores. Some researchers argue that a model where one handles the request immediately is superior to a model using a thread pipeline.

RonDB Software …

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Sysbench evaluation of RonDB



Sysbench is a tool to benchmark to test open source databases. We have integrated Sysbench into the RonDB installation. This makes it extremely easy to run benchmarks with RonDB. This paper will describe the use of these benchmarks in RonDB. These benchmarks were executed with 1 cluster connection per MySQL Server. This limited the scalability per MySQL Server to about 12 VCPUs. Since we executed those benchmarks we have increased the number of cluster connections per MySQL Server to 4 providing scalability to at least 32 VCPUs per MySQL Server.

As preparation to run those benchmarks we have created a RonDB cluster using the Hopsworks framework that is currently used to create …

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