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Displaying posts with tag: Azure (reset)
Webinar Thursday January 26, 2017: Overcoming the Challenges of Databases in the Cloud

Please join Percona’s Jon Tobin, Director of Solution Engineering at Percona, and Rob Masson, Solutions Architect Manager at ScaleArc, on Thursday, January 26, 2017, at 9:00 am PST / 12:00 pm EST (UTC-8) for their webinar “Overcoming the Challenges of Databases in the Cloud.”

Enterprises enjoy the flexibility and simplified operations of using the cloud, but applying those advantages to database workloads has proven challenging. Resource contention, cross-region failover and elasticity at the data tier all introduce limitations. In addition, cloud providers support different services within their database offerings.

Jon and Rob’s webinar is a …

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Log Buffer #448: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer is dedicated to the top quality news from the arena of Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


  • We had a question on AskTom the other day, asking us to explain what a “latch” was.
  • Jonathan Lewis thinks column groups can be amazingly useful in helping the optimizer to generate good execution plans because of the way they supply better details about cardinality.
  • Today it’s all about developing software that makes access to your product easier.
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Log Buffer #434: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition throws spotlight on some of the salient blog posts from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


  • STANDARD date considerations in Oracle SQL and PL/SQL
  • My good friend, Oracle icon Karen Morton passed away.
  • Multiple invisible indexes on the same column in #Oracle 12c
  • Little things worth knowing: Data Guard Broker Setup changes in 12c …
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Log Buffer #429: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition gathers a wide sample of blogs and then purifies the best ones from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


  • If you take a look at the “alter user” command in the old 9i documentation, you’ll see this: DEFAULT ROLE Clause.
  • There’s been an interesting recent discussion on the OTN Database forum regarding “Index blank blocks after a large update that was rolled back.”
  • 12c Parallel Execution New Features: 1 SLAVE distribution
  • Index Tree Dumps in Oracle 12c …
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Which tech do startups use most?

Leo Polovets of Susa Ventures publishes an excellent blog called Coding VC. There you can find some excellent posts, such as pitches by analogy, and an algorithm for seed round valuations and analyzing product hunt data. He recently wrote a blog post about a topic near and dear to my heart, Which Technologies do Startups […]

2012 to be year of Linux domination

Previously, I’ve called out years for non-desktop Linux in 2008, Linux in both the low and high-ends of the market in 2009, ‘hidden’ Linux in 2010 and last year, cloud computing in 2011. For 2012, I see continued growth, prevalence, innovation and impact from Linux, thus leading to a 2012 that is dominated by Linux.

I expect to see nothing but continued strength for Linux and …

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Open source and Windows 8: spotlight on Microsoft’s open source interop strategy

It seems safe to say that Oracle is currently ahead of Microsoft when it comes to the company with the most contentious relationship with open source. To some extent that is due Oracle’s questionable approach to community, but it must also be noted that Microsoft has managed not to put its foot in it for a while.

In Microsoft 2009 published its first companywide perspective on open source, made its first contributions to the Linux kernel, and created the CodePlex Foundation, an independent entity designed to encourage its developers and other companies to contribute more to open source software projects.

Doubts have remained about Microsoft’s ongoing commitment, however, with the company being labeled opportunistic in its approach to open source, and skepticism persists – particularly in relation to software patents. We have recently published a new …

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The Affero GPL does not solve the open source/cloud revenue dilemma

A number of people have recently raised the issue of the threat that cloud computing poses to the monetization of open source by specialist vendors, including Savio Rodrigues, Matt Asay, and Mike Hogan.

I believe that cloud computing provides an opportunity for open source specialists, but agree that cloud services based on open source code could potentially eat into the business opportunities for open source specialists since the cloud providers have no …

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Open source and the cloud - the quick and the dead

Savio Rodrigues has published a post arguing that cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft’s Azure pose a threat to the monetization of open source by specialist vendors.

Savio makes a good case based on the recent launch of AWS’s Relational Database Service, based on MySQL, and Microsoft’s support for MySQL and Tomcat on Azure:

“When Amazon decided to offer MySQL via Amazon RDS, they did so without purchasing MySQL support from Sun. I’ve confirmed that Microsoft Azure is supporting MySQL on Azure without paying Sun for a MySQL Enterprise subscription.”

Clearly there is a threat to open source vendors from cloud-based services. Meanwhile I have previous …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.05.15

Open Database Alliance formed. Oracle buys Virtual Iron. AccesStream reaches version 1.0. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory

I’ve just met a fork named Maria
MySQL founder Monty Widenius and Percona CEO Peter Zaitsev announced the launch of the Open Database Alliance - “a collection of companies working together to provide the software, support and services for MariaDB, an enterprise-grade, community-developed branch of MySQL.”

Continuent and Open Query quickly announced their membership, while Monty later …

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