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Displaying posts with tag: Fahd Mirza (reset)
Log Buffer #450: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Editions picks few blog posts from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


  • If you grant the DBA role to a user, Oracle also grants it the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege. If you then revoke the DBA role from this user, Oracle also revokes its UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege.
  • Lost SYSMAN password OEM CC 12gR5.
  • How Terminal Emulation Assists Easy Data Management.
  • Using EMCLI List Verb …
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Log Buffer #449: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs


This Log Buffer Edition covers some of the niftiest blog posts from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


  • OBIEE 11g and Essbase – Faking Federation Using the GoURL.
  • You can use one of these to link an exception name with an Oracle error number. Once you have done this, you can use the exception name in the exception block which follows the declaration.
  • This is a short post to help out any “googlers” looking for an answer to why their EM Cloud …
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Log Buffer #448: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer is dedicated to the top quality news from the arena of Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


  • We had a question on AskTom the other day, asking us to explain what a “latch” was.
  • Jonathan Lewis thinks column groups can be amazingly useful in helping the optimizer to generate good execution plans because of the way they supply better details about cardinality.
  • Today it’s all about developing software that makes access to your product easier.
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Log Buffer #447: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs


This Log Buffer Edition covers the weekly blog posts of Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


  • An Index or Disaster, You Choose (It’s The End Of The World As We Know It).
  • SQL Monitoring in Oracle Database 12c.
  • RMAN Full Backup vs. Level 0 Incremental.
  • Auto optimizer stats after CTAS or direct loads in #Oracle 12c.
  • How to move …
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Log Buffer #445: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer edition works it way through some of the coolest blog posts from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL of the past week.


  • What if I’m a developer or QA person using a copy of production database to do my work. What if my copy of production is now out of date and I want to refresh my data with the data as it is on production.
  • Direct path and buffered reads again.
  • Copy Data Management for Oracle Database with EMC AppSync and XtremIO.
  • Little things worth knowing: automatic …
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Log Buffer #443: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition finds and publishes blog posts from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


  • SCRIPT execution errors when creating a DBaaS instance with local and cloud backups.
  • Designing Surrogate vs Natural Keys with Oracle SQL Developer.
  • EBS General Ledger – Accounting Hub Reporting Cloud Service.
  • Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 is available.
  • Disable “Build After Save at …
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Log Buffer #442: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition collects and then showers around some of the information-rich blog posts from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


  • Generic Java Server for Static content and Directory Listing using API mode or command line mode.
  • OEM agents on each host upload data to your management servers every few minutes.
  • exitcommit … or your career down the drain.
  • Encryption is the Easy Part; Managing …
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Log Buffer #441: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition dives deep into the ocean of blogosphere and surfaces with some cool blog posts from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


  • Lets Talk DB Perth
  • The Fundamental Challenge of Computer System Performance
  • Index Advanced Compression: Multi-Column Index
  • Middleware Diagnostics Advisor (MDA) Setup
  • Most people are now aware that in 12c, a …
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Log Buffer #439: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition covers some nifty blog posts from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


  • Real Application Testing report On Premise vs. Oracle Public Cloud
  • Foreign Keys and Library Cache Locks
  • IN/EXISTS bugs by Jonathan Lewis.
  • Creating a trace file from EM12c is quite easy and doesn’t require a DBA offering up the world to allow a developer or support person to perform this action.
  • Oracle …
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Log Buffer #436: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition covers the top blog posts of the week from the Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL arenas.


  • Momentum and activity regarding the Data Act is gathering steam, and off to a great start too. The Data Act directs the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) to establish government-wide financial reporting data standards by May 2015.
  • RMS has a number of async queues for processing new item location, store add, warehouse add, item and po induction. We have seen rows stuck in the queues and needed to release the stuck AQ Jobs.
  • We have a number of updates to partitioned tables that are run from within pl/sql …
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Showing entries 1 to 10 of 17
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