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Displaying posts with tag: Security (reset)
Vitess Security Audit Results

The Vitess Maintainer team is pleased to announce the results of a recent third-party security audit of the Vitess code base. Vitess had previously been audited in 2019. Given the amount of time that has passed, and the magnitude of change during that time, the maintainer team decided to request a fresh audit. Starting in March 2023, an independent team from Ada Logics performed a full security audit of Vitess with a special focus on VTAdmin, which is a relatively new addition to Vitess.

Enhancing Performance with Parallel Index Rebuild in MySQL 8.0.31

Learn how the parallel index rebuild feature in MySQL 8.0.31 improves performance by optimizing index and column additions. Explore the multithreaded insert phase, sort index build process, and system configurations for enhanced efficiency.

  1. Understanding Sorted Index Build
    1. When does InnoDB use a sort index build approach?
  2. Phases of Sort …
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MySQL Connection Security With Connection Control Plugins

As a database administrator, have you ever been in a situation when your database confronted a brute force attack? A brute force attack can be launched against a user account in MySQL. MySQL replies with success or error based on supplied credentials, and the time required for the verification is almost the same in either case. Hence, an attacker can launch a brute force attack against a MySQL user account at a rapid rate and can try many different passwords.

According to cryptography, a brute-force attack consists of an attacker trying many passwords or passphrases with the hope of eventually guessing correctly. The attacker systematically checks all possible passwords and passphrases until the correct one is found.

It’s not just brute force attacks going on; the IT industry has recently seen a steady increase in distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Have you also been targeted in such a type of connection flow on port …

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How to Troubleshoot a MySQL Replica IO Thread that is Stuck in a Connecting State

Discover how to troubleshoot a MySQL replica IO thread stuck in a connecting state. Learn about the replication architecture, security group rules for AWS EC2 instances, and how to address common issues like network restrictions and bind address configuration.

MySQL is a powerful database management and a widely used cloud database service. One of its key features is the ability to create replicas of a master database to improve its availability and scalability. However, at times the IO thread in a MySQL replica may get stuck in a connecting state, which can cause replication issues and affect the overall data consistency …

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How To Use pt-secure-collect for Capturing Data in a Secure Way From the OS and Database System

Sometimes crucial data sharing is avoided because of compliance rules, organizational policies, or numerous security concerns. The common use cases involve sharing pt-mysql-summary, pt-stalk, and other OS-related details to assist Support Engineers or any other third-party team troubleshoot database-related issues.

In this context, pt-secure-collect is a very important utility from Percona, which helps capture the required information securely and also provides aid in masking the existing information.

Pt-secure-collect helps in collecting, sanitizing, and encrypting data from various sources. By default, this utility collects the output with the help of pt-stalk, pt-summary, and pt-mysql-summary.

Let’s see how this tool …

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How to Persist a Hashed Format Password Inside ProxySQL

In this blog post, we will see how to persist the password inside the ProxySQL mysql_users table in hashed format only. Also, even if someone stored the password in cleartext, we see how to change those into the hashed format easily.

Here we are just highlighting one of the scenarios during work on the client environment where we noticed that the ProxySQL mysql_users table had more than 100 user entries, but some of them were available/inserted into the clear text password, whereas some were inserted properly into hashed entries.

Before just explaining those simple commands that were used to fix those clear text entries into the hashed entry quickly, let’s see some more information about the ProxySQL mysql_users table and the password formats.

Password formats inside ProxySQL

ProxySQL is capable of storing passwords in two different formats within the mysql_users.password

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Synopsis of Mydbops 20th edition of MyWebinar

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 20th edition of MyWebinar. We hope that our time together helped to elevate and seam your work to perfection. We’re committed to giving back to the opensource database community in the coming days by presenting more LIVE events.

Monu Mahto, Database Consultant from Mydbops was successful in making this event more interactive, engaging, and, most importantly, productive for the audience. Thank you for your continuous contribution to the opensource community.

Topic: MySQL Data Encryption at Rest

Date: 25th of March, 2023

Time: 11 AM IST

The most important key takeaways are:

What is Data-at-rest Encryption ?

Data at rest means all inactive data stored on disk. …

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Increase the Ability to Securely Replicate Your Data and Restrict Replication To Row-based Events in MySQL

In this blog, I’ll discuss the use case for replication. We want to improve our ability to replicate your data and limit replication to row-based events securely, wherein we do not have control over the source(s).

The replica doesn’t have checking capabilities when processing replicated transactions as of MySQL 8.0.18. It does this to carry out all instructions from its upstream. The replica must impose data access limitations on the replicated stream because changes may get past the security barrier separating the source and replica in some configurations. In that situation, implementing the upstream changes in a more constrained security context is beneficial to organizations needing privilege-controlled aggregate data from multiple separate databases.

In MySQL 8.0.18, a new feature PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER is introduced in replication channels. When a PRIVILEGE CHECKS USER account is used, a replication channel is more protected …

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Feedback Wanted: Making EXPLAIN Require Less Privileges for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE Statements


We are considering changing EXPLAIN in Percona Server for MySQL to require less privileges for providing execution plans for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements (and possibly changing the behavior for EXPLAIN SELECT as well), to make it more convenient and safer to use with monitoring and query analysis tools. We would like to get feedback from the Community about the different approaches for achieving this.

The problem:

Running EXPLAIN is a great way to understand how complex SQL statements are executed. So it is natural that monitoring and query analysis tools utilize EXPLAIN for these purposes.

However, there is a problem for cases when INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements need to be explained. Running EXPLAIN for these statements, a read-only operation, requires the same privileges as running the original statements …

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Least Privilege for Kubernetes Resources and Percona Operators

Operators hide the complexity of the application and Kubernetes. Instead of dealing with Pods, StatefulSets, tons of YAML manifests, and various configuration files, the user talks to Kubernetes API to provision a ready-to-use application. An Operator automatically provisions all the required resources and exposes the application. Though, there is always a risk that the user would want to do something manual that can negatively affect the application and the Operator logic.

In this blog post, we will explain how to limit access scope for the user to avoid manual changes for database clusters deployed with Percona Operators. To do so, we will rely on Kubernetes Role-based Access Control (RBAC).

The goal

We are going to have two roles: …

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