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Displaying posts with tag: mysql security (reset)
How To Use pt-secure-collect for Capturing Data in a Secure Way From the OS and Database System

Sometimes crucial data sharing is avoided because of compliance rules, organizational policies, or numerous security concerns. The common use cases involve sharing pt-mysql-summary, pt-stalk, and other OS-related details to assist Support Engineers or any other third-party team troubleshoot database-related issues.

In this context, pt-secure-collect is a very important utility from Percona, which helps capture the required information securely and also provides aid in masking the existing information.

Pt-secure-collect helps in collecting, sanitizing, and encrypting data from various sources. By default, this utility collects the output with the help of pt-stalk, pt-summary, and pt-mysql-summary.

Let’s see how this tool …

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MySQL 8 Password Validation with validate_password component

Properly planned MySQL Password Management is the first step to protect your database

We at MinervaDB provide MySQL and  MariaDB Database Security Audit (Please read about our Security Practice at MinervaDB Consulting Page) for our customers globally, We don’t go easy with password management .. Weaker passwords are serious security threats and we highly recommend stronger passwords. Technically Password Validation is about the policies that every new password must comply and this task is taken care by validate_password component in MySQL, You have several system variables to configure validate_password component and status variables to monitor

To use validate_password component you must install it first:

Verify …

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Comparing Data At-Rest Encryption Features for MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server for MySQL

Protecting the data stored in your database may have been at the top of your priorities recently, especially with the changes that were introduced earlier this year with GDPR.

There are a number of ways to protect this data, which until not so long ago would have meant either using an encrypted filesystem (e.g. LUKS), or encrypting the data before it is stored in the database (e.g. AES_ENCRYPT or other abstraction within the application). A few years ago, the options started to change, as Alexander Rubin discussed in …

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MySQL 5.7 user table: password_last_changed & password_lifetime

MySQL 5.7.4 has added two fields to the mysql.user table — password_last_changed, a timestamp and password_lifetime, a small but unsigned integer. Several blogs ago I started to cobble together a password expiration tracking script before these two columns were added. But I could see three ways of tracking expired passwords but none of them were palatable. Todd Farmer was working on a similar idea.

So when you run mysql_upgrade after upgrading to 5.7.4, you will find these two new columns. The password_last_changed will be set to the time you ran the upgrade and password_lifetime will be set to null.

You can set global password lifetime policy in the options file.

So 180 is about six months and zero would set a never expire …

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MySQL Security Webinar: Follow-up Q&A

Thanks to everyone who attended last week’s webinar on MySQL security; hopefully you’ve all gone out and set SELinux to enforcing mode if you weren’t already running that way. If you weren’t able to attend, the recording and slides are available for viewing/download. But now, without further ado, here are the questions which we didn’t have time to cover during the presentation.

Q: Do you have a favorite software firewall you recommend that I can run on an EC2 instance in front of my MySQL server?
A: I’d probably just do this with iptables. Any of the other Linux-based software firewall packages are all going to be wrappers around iptables anyway. However, if …

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MySQL Security: Armoring Your Dolphin

My colleague and teammate Ernie Souhrada will be presenting a webinar on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 10 a.m. PDT titled “MySQL Security: Armoring Your Dolphin.”

This is a popular topic with news breaking routinely that yet another Internet company has leaked private data of one form or another. Ernie’s webinar will be a great overview of security MySQL from top to bottom, including changes related to security in the 5.6 release.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Basic …
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MySQL security issue — Heap Based Overrun, testing.

Without going into unnecessary details about CVE-2012-5612 bug; an authenticated database user could use this flaw to crash MySQL instance or even try executing some code. Is it a serious problem? Do you need to worry about it?
I recently saw some comments that “My database is safe, only application can access it. Is it really a serious bug?” which scared me a bit. Such opinion might be fine but only for closed systems with limited access to MySQL, but what if you are hosting provider that share single MySQL instance between several accounts? Here, security matters a lot! Especially if you allow users to create test/demo accounts.

Based on comments from security lists, only 5.5 family of MySQL is affected since the vulnerable MDL subsystem was first implemented in mysql-5.5. That’s why I decided to do some testing against most popular 5.5 distributions on market.

My tests covered:

  • vanilla …
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Recent security woes in MySQL

For those who don’t know, several security vulnerabilities in MySQL were discovered recently and published to the security mailing lists. Yet another time, remote attacker can badly hit your production systems causing long downtime.


List of security issues:

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Securing MySQL

Right after you finish your installation, you need to execute the below command from the shell.


By executing this command, mysql will remove all anonymous access in your database including the test database. It will also require you to set password for root account as well if you want remote access to your database.

If "root" is access denied

Have you ever encountered that after a successful logins to your mysql then the other day you are not able to login anymore using the root account? To fix it, follow below steps for linux users.

1. Stop Mysql
shell> /etc/init.d/mysql stop
2. Start Mysql Safe
shell> mysqld_safe -skip-grant-tables &

3. Login as root without password
shell> mysql -u root -p

4. Update root password using "UPDATE" statement
shell> UPDATE mysql.user SET password = PASSWORD('yourpassword') WHERE user='root';

5. Stop or kill the mysqld_safe instance

shell> pidof mysqld
shell> kill -TERM TheProcessID 
3. Start Mysql normally
shell> /etc/init.d/mysql start OR
shell> service mysql …

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