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Displaying posts with tag: password expiration (reset)
MySQL Security – Password Expiration Policy

MySQL provides password-expiration capability, which enables database administrators to require that users reset their password.

The post MySQL Security – Password Expiration Policy first appeared on - Diary of a MySQL expert.

Security Validation and Password Expiration in MySQL 5.7

This blog post focuses on MySQL 5.7's newly improved features of security validation and password expiration.

The post Security Validation and Password Expiration in MySQL 5.7 appeared first on Datavail.

A look at MySQL 5.7 DMR

So I figured it was about time I looked at MySQL 5.7. This is a high level overview, but I was looking over the MySQL 5.7 in a nutshell document:

So I am starting with a fresh Fedora 20 (Xfce) install.
Overall, I will review a few items that I found curious and interesting with MySQL 5.7. The nutshell has a lot of information so well worth a review.

I downloaded the MySQL-5.7.4-m14-1.linux_glibc2.5.x86_64.rpm-bundle.tar

The install was planned on doing the following
# tar -vxf …

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MySQL 5.7 user table: password_last_changed & password_lifetime

MySQL 5.7.4 has added two fields to the mysql.user table — password_last_changed, a timestamp and password_lifetime, a small but unsigned integer. Several blogs ago I started to cobble together a password expiration tracking script before these two columns were added. But I could see three ways of tracking expired passwords but none of them were palatable. Todd Farmer was working on a similar idea.

So when you run mysql_upgrade after upgrading to 5.7.4, you will find these two new columns. The password_last_changed will be set to the time you ran the upgrade and password_lifetime will be set to null.

You can set global password lifetime policy in the options file.

So 180 is about six months and zero would set a never expire …

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