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Displaying posts with tag: Security (reset)
MySQL Dual Passwords – How To Manage Them Programmatically

What is dual password in MYSQL and how it works was already covered by my colleague Brian Sumpter in Using MySQL 8 Dual Passwords.

However, let me do a brief recap here about it.

Dual password is the MySQL mechanism that allows you to keep two passwords active at the same time. This feature is part of a more extended set of password management features implemented in MySQL 8 to enforce better security and secrets management, like:

  • Internal Versus External Credentials Storage
  • Password Expiration Policy
  • Password Reuse Policy
  • Password Verification-Required Policy
  • Dual Password Support
  • Random Password Generation
  • Failed-Login Tracking and Temporary Account Locking

The most important and requested features are the password expiration and …

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ProxySQL Support for MySQL caching_sha2_password

Every day we use dozens if not hundreds of applications connecting to some kind of data repository. This simple step is normally executed over the network and, given so, it is subject to possible sniffing with all the possible related consequences.

Given that, it is normally better to protect your connection using data encryption like SSL, or at the minimum, make the information you pass to connect less easy to be intercepted.

At the same time, it is a best practice to not store connection credentials in clear text, not even inside a table in your database. Doing that is the equivalent of writing your password on a sticky note on your desk. Not a good idea.

Instead, the main options are either transforming the passwords to be less identifiable via hashing or storing the information in an external centralized vault.

In MySQL, the passwords are transformed to not be clear text, and several different plugins …

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Column-Level Encryption in MySQL

In a post written earlier this year – Percona Server for MySQL Encryption Options and Choices –  I discussed some of the options around encryption in MySQL.  Being such a complex topic, that post was meant to clarify and highlight various aspects of “encryption” at different levels.  I recently had this topic come up again, but specifically around column-level encryption and various options so I wanted to touch on this in more detail.

As of the current release of Percona Server for MySQL, there is no built-in way to define a single column as encrypted.  Ideally, there could be some metadata passed in a create statement and this would just automatically happen, such as this:

CREATE TABLE pii_data ( …

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Digital Signatures: Another Layer of Data Protection in Percona Server for MySQL

Imagine you need to design an online system for storing documents on a per-user basis where nobody, including database administrators, would be able to change the content of those documents without being noticed by document owners.

In Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.28-20, we added a new component called Encryption UDFs – an open-source alternative to MySQL Enterprise Encryption that allows users to access a number of low-level OpenSSL encryption primitives directly from MySQL. This includes calculating digests (with a great variety of hash functions), asymmetric key generation (RSA, …

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Securing Dynamic Log File Locations in MySQL

MySQL allows changing the location of the general log and the slow query log while the server is running by anybody having the SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege to any location, including appending to existing files. In Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.28-19 we introduced a new system variable, secure-log-path, that can be used to restrict the location of these log files to avoid accidents or possible data corruption attacks.

When somebody with the system variables admin privilege changes these variables, the server runs a few sanity checks. Unfortunately, these checks are quite minimal, and only verify that the specified file is writable by mysqld.

Compared to this, other variables specifying write-related file and directory names are either read-only during the runtime of the server (such as datadir, tmpdir, or log_error), or have additional …

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MySQL authentication_oci plugin for Oracle Cloud

Getting started with authentication_oci There is a new means of connecting seamlessly to a MySQL Database Service instance in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. It is a method that does not require passwords, and can utilize the public key found in a OCI user’s account profile, without anyone needing to access that profile directly . It derives its access… Read More »

AWS MySQL Security on RDS: Database Level

In the previous blog, we have gone through about network-level security in RDS. In this blog, we will see about the Database level security in RDS.

After network-level restriction to host, we can’t allow a user to connect to the database from anywhere over the internet. We need to restrict user access at the Database level as well. Need to create a user with a restricted host along with a strong password to avoid cracking of password. In RDS we have a special feature named Identity and Access Management (IAM).

We need to monitor the user activity as well in the Database. Because the user may wrongly execute the query in the server which leads to data loss or production outage. The user activity has to be monitored as per the compliances. We can achieve this by enabling the audit log in the RDS.

By …

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Introduction to AWS MySQL Security on RDS : Network

Nowadays everything is getting digitalized and migration toward the cloud is at its peak. There is a high chance of data leaks if we don’t tighten the security of the Database servers. It is mandatory to secure the database by restricting access to Database. Although we have restricted the access. We need to monitor the activity of the user to prevent the unwanted usage of data.

Security will be split into three layers

  1. Network-level security.
  2. OS level security.
  3. Database level security.

OS level security will be handled by the AWS team. Since It is managed by the AWS Team. So all the security patching, minor version upgrades of OS, and kernel tuning will be governed by the AWS infra team.

Network-level security and database-level security are owned by the end user.

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MySQL 8: Multi-Factor Authentication Overview

As part of my ongoing series around MySQL 8 user administration, I’d like to cover one of the new features introduced in MySQL 8.0.27 – multi-factor authentication. In order to establish identity, multi-factor authentication (MFA) is the use of multiple authentication values (factors) during the MySQL authentication process.


MFA provides greater security compared to a single-factor authentication method, which has historically been based on simple methods such as password authentication. With MFA, additional authentication methods are enabled, such as requiring multiple passwords, or with devices such as smart cards, security keys, or biometric readers.

As of MySQL 8.0.27, it is now possible to require up to three authentication values to establish identity. In addition to the more common 2FA (two-factor authentication), MySQL can now also support 3FA (three-factor authentication) to complement the …

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MySQL 8: Password Verification Policy

In keeping with my MySQL 8 user administration and security theme, I’d like to discuss the password verification-required policy introduced in MySQL 8.0.13. With this feature, it is possible to require that attempts to change an account password be verified by specifying the existing current password to be replaced.


The password verification-required policy enables DBAs to prevent users from changing a password without proving that they know the current password. When would this happen? Such changes could occur if a user walked away from a terminal session without logging out, and a malicious user uses the open session to change the original user’s MySQL password. As you can imagine, this could have disastrous consequences:

  • The original user is now unable to access MySQL until an administrator can reset the account password. 
  • The malicious user can access MySQL until a password …
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