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Displaying posts with tag: Security (reset)
Time to check Galera Cluster security?

There are plenty of articles on the Internet that tell you to setup a Galera Cluster by disabling an OS based firewall and also disabling SELinux. While we agree that this might be the fastest way to get your Galera Cluster setup, it is not necessarily good security hygiene, and we would prefer if you started 2022 with a bit more secure Galera Cluster!

What is SELinux? Is is Security-Enhanced Linux that allows administrators to allow who has more control over the system. It has permissive and enforcing mode, and is turned on by default in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and derivatives. It is important to remember that if you install Galera Cluster via a package that we provide, we have provided all the necessary contexts for it. You effectively do not have to disable SELinux to get started.

However, if you are using the rsync method for a …

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Percona Server for MySQL Encryption Options and Choices

Security will always be a main focal point of a company’s data. A common question I get from clients is, “how do I enable encryption?” Like every good consulting answer, it depends on what you are trying to encrypt. This post is a high-level summary of the different options available for encryption in Percona Server for MySQL.

Different certifications require different levels of encryption. For example, PCI requires both encryptions of data at rest and in transit. Here are the main facets of encryption for MySQL:

  • Data at Rest
    • Full disk encryption (at the OS level)
    • Transparent Data Encryption – TDE
    • Column/field-level encryption
  • Data in Transit
    • TLS Connections

Data at Rest

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MySQL 8: Random Password Generator

As part of my ongoing focus on MySQL 8 user and password management, I’ve covered how using the new dual passwords feature can reduce the overall DBA workload and streamline the management process. I’ve also covered how the new password failure tracking features can enable the locking of an account with too many failed password attempts (see MySQL 8: Account Locking).

There are other new and useful features that have been added to the user management capabilities in MySQL 8 however, and an often overlooked change was the implementation of a random password generator. First introduced in MySQL 8.0.18, with this feature, CREATE USER, ALTER USER, and SET PASSWORD statements have the capability of generating random passwords for user accounts as an alternative to …

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MySQL 8: Account Locking

As part of my ongoing focus on MySQL 8 user and password management, I’ve covered how the new dual passwords feature can reduce the overall DBA workload and streamline the management process (see MySQL 8: Dual Passwords). This wasn’t the only change to user/password management in MySQL 8; one of the more security-focused changes was the implementation of temporary account locking, first introduced in MySQL 8.0.19. With this feature, database administrators can now configure user accounts so that too many consecutive login failures can temporarily lock the account.

The account locking feature only applies to the failure of a client to provide a correct password during the connection attempt. It does not apply to failure to connect for other reasons (network issues, unknown user account, etc.). In the case of dual passwords, either of the account …

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Using the audit log plugin within your Galera Cluster

Codership first released a version of MySQL 5.7 with the audit log plugin back when Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7.30 was released back in June 2020. More recently, we also added the audit log plugin to Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.6.51 in April 2021, but I guess the most important was that we also started including it in Galera Cluster for MySQL 8.0.21 too. We also started supporting it across various distributions, including Debian. For today’s exercise, we will use Galera Cluster for MySQL 8.0.23 on CentOS 7 (compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7). …

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ProxySQL-Admin 2.x: Encryption of Credential Information

Starting with the release of proxysql-admin 2.0.15,  the proxysql-admin 2.x series can now encrypt the credentials needed to access proxysql and cluster nodes. This only applies to the proxysql-admin configuration, this does not change the ProxySQL config, so those credentials are still unencrypted.

The credentials file is the unencrypted file containing the usernames, passwords, hostnames, and ports needed to connect to ProxySQL and PXC (Percona XtraDB Cluster).

The proxysql-login-file tool is used to encrypt the credentials file. This encrypted file is known as a login-file. This login-file can then be used by the proxysql-admin and proxysql-status scripts.

Note: This feature requires OpenSSL v1.1.1 and above (with the exception of Ubuntu 16.04). Please see the …

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MySQL Static and Dynamic Privileges (Part 2)

When organizing things helps to simplify life.

In the previous article, we start to explore dynamic privileges and the interaction with static ones. We also saw how to remove SUPER privilege from a DBA account. 

What we did was go by subtraction. But in real life, we should act differently. We should ADD only what is really needed for the account to work correctly.

Adding privilege one by one, and for each user is problematic given the level of interaction they may have, and also prone to mistakes. 

Instead, we can use ROLES to group, assign, and revoke the correct privileges in a much easier way.

This is becoming even more important in MySQL with the advent of dynamic privileges.

What should we do to correctly use ROLES? Well first of all design.   …

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Security Configuration For MySQL NDB Cluster Replication

In this blog, we will discuss about how to setup MySQL NDB Cluster replication in a more secure way with the help of binary log and relay log encryption and a secure connection. These measures protect binary log dat in transit and at rest.

Let’s create two MySQL NDB Clusters with the following environment, Here, one will be termed as ‘source’ cluster and the other one will be termed as ‘replica’ cluster.

  • MySQL NDB Cluster version (Latest GA version)
  • 1 Management node
  • 4 Data nodes
  • 1 MySQLDs
  • Configuration slots for up to 4 additional API nodes

Step 1: Start both of the Clusters

Let’s start both the source cluster and replica cluster but do not start the MySQLD servers from both the clusters as we want to modify their configuration first.

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Group profiles in MySQL Enterprise Firewall

MySQL Firewall is an enterprise security solution providing ease of mind while protecting your database from rogue queries. Sometimes granting wide-style access privileges may feel a bit too generous, and leaves you wondering whether you could do something more. Join us as we explore Firewall, and (in particular) using Group profiles.…

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TAM Enterprise Experiences – Data Encryption

In previous TAM Enterprise Experiences posts, we have outlined typical aspects of utilizing MySQL in an Enterprise environment. One thing we have not yet covered is the topic of database encryption, both from the standpoint of business requirements as well as some of the more technical aspects of encryption.

In this post, we will cover:

  • Common enterprise compliance requirements
  • Types of MySQL encryption
  • Choosing the right encryption
  • Vault

Common Compliance Requirements

Beyond the obvious security concerns with sensitive data, most enterprise businesses also need to meet various compliance requirements, with the compliance requirement(s) dependent on the country the business is located in, the type of business, and the type of data being stored. Note that in all cases, the onus is on the business to protect the data based on these compliance requirements. Some of …

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