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Displaying posts with tag: analytics (reset)
A Kind Introduction MySQL Windowing Functions Part I

Windowing functions are a critical tool for grouping rows of data that are related to other rows. But they go far beyond the regular aggregate functions found in MySQL 5.7 and earlier. In MySQL 8 you do not have to collapse all the information down into a single output row. Each row can retain its individual identity but the server can analyze the data as a unit.
Statistics and Damned Lies Finding the total Population of the District Texas from the table is simple. 

SQL> select District, sum(Population)  
from city where district = 'Texas';
| District | sum(Population) |
| Texas    |         9208281 |
1 row in set (0.0068 sec)

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Upcoming Webinar September 14, 2017: Supercharge Your Analytics with ClickHouse

Join Percona’s CTO Vadim Tkachenko @VadimTk and Altinity’s Co-Founder, Alexander Zaitsev as they present Supercharge Your Analytics with ClickHouse on Thursday, September 14, 2017, at 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT (UTC-7).

Reserve Your Spot


ClickHouse is a real-time analytical database system. Even though they’re only celebrating one year as open source software, it has already proved itself ready for serious …

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On Apache Ignite, Apache Spark and MySQL. Interview with Nikita Ivanov

“Spark and Ignite can complement each other very well. Ignite can provide shared storage for Spark so state can be passed from one Spark application or job to another. Ignite can also be used to provide distributed SQL with indexing that accelerates Spark SQL by up to 1,000x.”–Nikita Ivanov.

I have interviewed Nikita Ivanov,CTO of GridGain.
Main topics of the interview are Apache Ignite, Apache Spark and MySQL, and how well they perform on big data analytics.


Q1. What are the main technical challenges of SaaS development projects?

Nikita Ivanov: SaaS requires that the applications be highly responsive, reliable and web-scale. SaaS development projects face many of the same challenges as …

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ClickHouse in a General Analytical Workload (Based on a Star Schema Benchmark)

In this blog post, we’ll look at how ClickHouse performs in a general analytical workload using the star schema benchmark test.

We have mentioned ClickHouse in some recent posts (ClickHouse: New Open Source Columnar Database, Column Store Database Benchmarks: MariaDB ColumnStore vs. Clickhouse vs. Apache Spark), where it showed excellent results. ClickHouse by itself seems to be event-oriented RDBMS, as its name suggests (clicks). Its primary purpose, using Yandex Metrica (the system similar to Google Analytics), also points to an event-based nature. We also can see there is …

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What products & improvements are new on AWS?

Amazon is releasing new products & services to it’s global cloud compute network at a rate that has all of our heads spinning. Join 32,000 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. Here’s new stuff worth mentioning around databases & data. 1. For ETL – AWS GLUE Moving data from your transactional MySQL or … Continue reading What products & improvements are new on AWS? →

LinkedIn China new Social Platform Chitu. Interview with Dong Bin.

“Complicated queries, like looking for second degree friends, is really hard to traditional databases.” –Dong Bin

I have interviewed Dong Bin, Engineer Manager at LinkedIn China. The LinkedIn China development team launched a new social platform — known as Chitu — to attract a meaningful segment of the Chinese professional networking market.


Q1. What is your role at LinkedIn China?

Dong Bin: I am an Engineer Manager in charge of the backend services for Chitu. The backend includes all Chitu`s consumer based features, like feeds, chat, event, etc.

Q2. You recently launched a new social platform, called Chitu. Which segment of the …

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A Grand Tour of Big Data. Interview with Alan Morrison

“Leading enterprises have a firm grasp of the technology edge that’s relevant to them. Better data analysis and disambiguation through semantics is central to how they gain competitive advantage today.”–Alan Morrison.

I have interviewed Alan Morrison, senior research fellow at PwC, Center for Technology and Innovation.
Main topic of the interview is how the Big Data market is evolving.


Q1. How do you see the Big Data market evolving? 

Alan Morrison: We should note first of all how true Big Data and analytics methods emerged and what has been disruptive. Over the course of a decade, web companies have donated IP and millions of lines of code that serves as the foundation for what’s being built on top.  In the …

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MariaDB and Native JSON support ?

A question raised by my previous post is : What about MariaDB and native JSON support ? In my previous post I mentioned the possibility to use the MariaDB CONNECT storage Engine to store and access JSON content in normal text field. Of course having a native JSON datatype brings more value. It introduces JSON ...continue reading "MariaDB and Native JSON support ?"

Database Performance Webinar: Tired of MySQL Making You Wait?

Too often developers and DBAs struggle to pinpoint the root cause of MySQL database performance issues, and then spend too much time in trying to fix them. Wouldn’t it be great to bypass wasted guesswork and get right to the issue?

In our upcoming webinar Tired of MySQL Making You Wait? we’re going to help you discover how to significantly increase the performance of your applications and reduce database response time.

In this webinar, Principal Architect Alexander Rubin and Database Evangelist Janis Griffin will provide the key steps needed to identify, prioritize, and improve query performance.

They will discuss the following topics:

  • Wait time analytics using …
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Using JSON’s Arrays for MariaDB Dynamic Columns

The JSON format includes the concept of array. A JSON object cant contain an attribute of array type. We have seen that we can use the MariaDB CONNECT Storage Engine provided UDFs (user defined functions) to implement dynamic columns. Let us create a table with a text column containing a a JSON string and let ...continue reading "Using JSON’s Arrays for MariaDB Dynamic Columns"

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