In this research, I wanted to see what kind of performance improvements could be gained by using a ClickHouse data source rather than PostgreSQL. Assuming that I would see performance advantages with using ClickHouse, would those advantages be retained if I access ClickHouse from within postgres using a foreign data wrapper (FDW)? The FDW in question is clickhousedb_fdw – an open source project from Percona!
The database environments under scrutiny are PostgreSQL v11, clickhousedb_fdw and a ClickHouse database. Ultimately, from within PostgreSQL v11, we are going to issue various SQL queries routed through our clickhousedb_fdw to the ClickHouse database. Then we’ll see how the FDW performance compares with those same queries executed in native PostgreSQL and native ClickHouse.
Clickhouse Database
ClickHouse is an open source column based database management system which can achieve performance of between 100 and …
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