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Displaying posts with tag: scaling (reset)
Scaling Web Databases, Part 2: Adding Nodes, Evolving Schema with Zero Downtime

In my previous post, I discussed scaling web database performance in MySQL Cluster using auto-sharding and active/active geographic replication - enabling users to scale both within and across data centers.  

I also mentioned that while scaling write-performance of any web service is critical, it is only 1 of multiple dimensions to scalability, which include:

- The need to scale operational agility to keep pace with demand. This means being able to add capacity and performance to the database, and to evolve the schema – all without downtime;

- The need to scale queries by having flexibility in the APIs used to access the database – including SQL and NoSQL interfaces;

- The need to scale the database while maintaining continuous availability.

All of these subjects are discussed in more detail in …

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I wrote a new tool that runs aggregation queries over MySQL sharded databases using Gearman.

I created a new tool this week:

As the name Shard-Query suggests, the goal of the tool is to run a query over multiple shards, and to return the combined results together as a unified query. It uses Gearman to ask each server for a set of rows and then runs the query over the combined set. This isn't a new idea, however, Shard-Query is different than other Gearman examples I've seen, because it supports aggregation.

It does this by doing some basic query rewriting based on the input query.

Take this query for example:

select c2, 
 from t1 as s0 
 join t1 using (c1,c2) 
 where c2 = 98818 
 group by c2;

The tool will split this up into two queries.

This first query will be sent to each shard. Notice that …

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Log Buffer #182, a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This is the 182nd edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs. Make sure to read the whole edition so you do not miss where to submit your SQL limerick!

This week started out with me posting about International Women’s Day, and has me personally attending Confoo (Montreal) which is an excellent conference I hope to return to next year. I learned a lot from confoo, especially the blending nosql and sql session I attended.

This week was also the Hotsos Symposium. …

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Liveblogging at Confoo: Blending NoSQL and SQL

Persistence Smoothie: Blending NoSQL and SQL – see user feedback and comments at

Michael Bleigh from Intridea, high-end Ruby and Ruby on Rails consultants, build apps from start to finish, making it scalable. He’s written a lot of stuff, available at @mbleigh on twitter

NoSQL is a new way to think about persistence. Most NoSQL systems are not ACID compliant (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability).

Generally, most NoSQL systems have:

  • Denormalization
  • Eventual Consistency
  • Schema-Free
  • Horizontal Scale

NoSQL tries to scale (more) simply, it is starting to go mainstream – NY …

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Scaling - going from 2 to X data nodes

When moving from two data nodes to a bigger Cluster it is not necessarily true that you will have better performance. In fact you can get worse.

Here are some things to think about:

  • Database Load (traffic to Cluster) - if you can handle query load X on a two node cluster and move the same load X to a four data node cluster you will likely get new_load_X=0.8X, i.e., a performance degradation. This has to do with 1) buffers are not filled up fast enough so the data nodes will do "timeout" based sending or 2) that the access patterns aren't scaling. To correct 1) you need to increase the load on the cluster so that internal communication buffers fill up faster.

Access pattern related "problems":

  • For primary key operations (reads, updates, deletes) you will always go to the correct node to fetch the data with PK operations, no matter how many nodes you have. So no …
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Spider and vertical partition engines with new goodies

The Spider storage engine should be already known to the community. Its version 2.5 has recently been released, with new features, the most important of which is that you can execute remote SQL statements in the backend servers. The method is quite simple. Together with Spider, you also get an UDF that executes SQL code in a remote server. You send a query with parameters saying how to connect to the server, and check the result (1 for success, 0 for failure). If the SQL involves a SELECT, the result can be sent to a temporary table. Simple and effective.

In addition to the Spider engine, Kentoku SHIBA has also created the …

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OSCON Tutorial - Scaling a web application (mostly PHP/MySQL)

A quick blog post from the OSCON floor where I just finished a 3.5 hour tutorial on "Scaling a Web Application (mostly PHP/MySQL)". To be honest I submitted this talk as a 45 min talk and clicked the wrong button and ended up being handed a tutorial which I think turned out to be a good thing. After all, we could spend days and years talking about scaling.

One of my goals in this presentation wasn't just to talk about tips and examples, but also talk about the general business of scaling and creating scaling plans, scenario planning or capacity planning. This I believe is almost always more important than coming up with the small tips that fix a site when you have a problem!

Thanks to Ronald Bradford for showing up for the last hour of the presentation and helping out, it's good to have help and from a knowledgeable expert as well :)

Slides are now …

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Ladies and gentlemen, check your assumptions

I spent some time earlier this week trying to debug a permissions problem in Drupal.

After a lot of head-scratching, it turned out that Drupal assumes that when you run INSERT queries sequentially on a table with an auto_increment integer column, the values that are assigned to this column will also be sequential, ie: 1, 2, 3, …

This might be a valid assumption when you are the only user doing inserts on a single MySQL server, but unfortunately that is not always the situation in which an application runs.

I run MySQL in a dual-master setup, which means that two sequential INSERT statements will never return sequential integers.  The value will always be determined by the  auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset settings in the configuration file.

In my case, one master will only assign even numbers, the other only uneven ones.

My …

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libmemcached packages

Ronald Bradford last week posted about memcached not being multi-threaded on Ubuntu, something he discovered via some small utilities that are bundled with libmemcached, written by Brian Aker.

When I noticed there were no Ubuntu packages for libmemcached (or the CLI tools) I decided to create some.

For your enjoyment: (Source debs are included)

The repository also contains a memcached that has been re-compiled with multithreading enabled.

MySQL 5.4 Scaling on Nehalem with Sysbench

As a final followup to my MySQL 5.4 Scalability on 64-way CMT Servers blog, I'm posting MySQL 5.4 Sysbench results on a Sun Fire X4270 platform using the Intel x86 Nehalem chip (2 sockets/8 cores/16 threads). All CPUs were turned on during the runs. The my.cnf was the same as described in the previous blog.

The Sysbench version used was 0.4.12, and the read-only runs were invoked with the following command:

sysbench --max-time=300 --max-requests=0 --test=oltp --oltp-dist-type=special --oltp-table-size=10000000 \
   --oltp-read-only=on --num-threads=[NO_THREADS] run

The "oltp-read-only=on" parameter was omitted for the read-write tests. The my.cnf file listed in my previous blog was also used unchanged for these tests.

Here are the results graphically running on Linux.

The read-only results for MySQL 5.4 show a higher …

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