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Displaying posts with tag: slides (reset)
An Efficient Path to Learning MySQL Performance

Conference Video Slides MySQL Performance for Developers @ Percona Live 20231 PL23.pdf Efficient MySQL Performance @ Percona Live 2022 PL22.pdf Efficient MySQL Performance @ FOSDEM 2022 - Percona has not made Percona Live 2023 videos available. ↩︎

An Efficient Path to Learning MySQL Performance

Conference Video Slides MySQL Performance for Developers @ Percona Live 20231 PL23.pdf Efficient MySQL Performance @ Percona Live 2022 PL22.pdf Efficient MySQL Performance @ FOSDEM 2022 - Percona has not made Percona Live 2023 videos available. ↩︎

My Slides about MySQL 8.0 Scalability & Benchmarks from #PerconaLIVE 2019 Austin, TX

Here are my slides about MySQL 8.0 Scalability & Benchmarks from Percona LIVE 2019 in Austin, TX. (and I also realized I forgot to publish my slides from MySQL pre-FOSDEM 2019 Day about MySQL Performance Tuning, so fixing it now ;-))

P.S. Percona LIVE was "just awesome" ! ;-))


My Slides about MySQL 8.0 Performance from #OOW18 and #PerconaLIVE 2018

As promised, here are slides about MySQL 8.0 Performance from my talks at Oracle Open World 2018 and Percona LIVE Europe 2018 -- all is combined into a single PDF file to give you an overall summary about what we already completed, where we're going in the next updates within our "continuous release", and what kind of performance issues we're digging right now.. ;-))
Also, I'd like to say that both Conferences were simply awesome, and it's great to see a constantly growing level of skills of all MySQL Users attending these Conferences ! -- hope you'll have even more fun with MySQL 8.0 now ;-))

MySQL Performance : my slides from MySQL Day & FOSDEM Feb.2018

As promised, the following are links to slides from my talks during MySQL Day and FOSDEM @Brussels in Feb.2018 :

NOTE : for those who did not follow, CATS is not the only change in InnoDB ;-))


Percona Live Open Source Database Conference 2017 Slides and Videos Available

The slides and videos from the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference 2017 are available for viewing and download. The videos and slides cover the keynotes, breakout sessions and MySQL and MongoDB 101 sessions.

To view slides, go to the Percona Live agenda, and select the talk you want slides for from the schedule, and click through to the talk web page. The slides are available below the talk description. There is also a page with all the slides that is searchable by topic, talk title, speaker, company or keywords.

To view videos, go to the …

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Personal Summary of the Percona Live Amsterdam 2015 Conference

Last week, 21-23 September, it took place the European MySQL Conference, or “Data performance Conference” as this year’s subtitle was “MySQL. NoSQL. Data in the cloud.”. This year, it changed its location from London to Amsterdam and, as most people I talked to agreed, the change was for good. As every year, Percona was the company organizing it, but it had the participation of all the major players in the open source MySQL/MongoDB/Cloud data world. Special mention goes to, which had more …

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Comparing query optimizer features in MariaDB 10.0 and MySQL 5.6

MariaDB 10.0 had a stable release last month. It is a good time to take a look and see how it compares to the stable version of MySQL, MySQL 5.6 (as for Percona Server, it doesn’t have its own optimizer features).
Changelogs and release notes have all the details, but it’s difficult to see the big picture. So I went for diagrams, and the result is a short article titled What is the difference between MySQL and MariaDB query optimizers. It should give one a clue about what are the recent developments in query optimizers in MySQL world.

In case you’re interested in details about optimizer features in MariaDB 10.0, I’ve shared slides from a talk about MariaDB 10.0 query optimizer.

FOSDEM slides ok, but where are your slides from PLUK?

As usual, you can find the slides from PLUK 2013 and FOSDEM 2014 on [Plus].
You have just to access to the slides page and free up some time to discover and read all the referenced content.

Remember the programs of these fantastic events :

Now, I’ve just discovered that many slides are missing for PLUK 2013 on the perconalive website.

For latecomers, it’s still time to upload your slides from your dedicated speaker page.
Please, do it quickly, the …

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Thanks For Attending MySQL Connect

MySQL Connect 2013 was held this past Saturday through Monday, and I would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who attended my sessions, I talked to or otherwise took part in the conference.

I had two sessions as well as participated in a Birds of the Feather session with the Community and Support teams. The slides have been uploaded the the Content Catalog but they are not available for download from there yet. Until then you can download them from the the links below:

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