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Displaying posts with tag: cloud (reset)
Exploring the Kubernetes Application Lifecycle With Percona

This post was originally published on the Percona Community blog.If you are in the world of application development, you know that every application has a lifecycle. An application lifecycle refers to the stages that our application goes through, from initial planning, building, deployment, monitoring, and maintenance in different environments where our application can be executed.On […]

MySQL Belgian Days 2024 – The agenda

The MySQL Belgian Days are sold-out, our event that will take place the 1st and 2nd February 2024 in Brussels seems to have already attracted a lot of interest.

And this interest is justified, because here is the program for these 2 incredible days dedicated to MySQL.

Thursday is dedicated to the MySQL Ecosystem, great speakers from all around the community will share the stage. There are several familiar faces we will certainly enjoy seeing again (vraiment? oui oui!)*.

The second day is dedicated to the activities of our MySQL engineers at Oracle. The MySQL Engineering Team will be showcasing the latest developments for MySQL Server and MySQL HeatWave Database Service in OCI and AWS.

Day 1 – MySQL …

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Configuring Keyring for Encryption Using AWS Key Management Service in Percona Server for MySQL

The AWS KMS component is now available in Percona Server for MySQL starting from version 8.0.30. This addition enables data-at-rest encryption by utilizing the AWS KMS component, providing the functionality to create and manage cryptographic keys across AWS services.How do we set up encryption using AWS KMS?You should only load a keyring component with a […]

Deploying MySQL on OCI using OpenTofu

I could have set MySQL between parenthesis in the title as this article is more about how to use OpenTofu to deploy on OCI.

I will explain how to install OpenTofu and how to use it to deploy on OCI. I will also mention what are the required changes be able to use my previous Terraform deployment files.

As an example, let’s use the modules to deploy WordPress with MySQL HeatWave Database Service: oci-wordpress-mds.

Installing OpenTofu

If like me you are using a RPM based Linux distro, you can find the necessary information to create the yum repository on OpenTofu’s website:

$ sudo su -
# cat >/etc/yum.repos.d/opentofu.repo <<EOF
name=opentofu …
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JSON in MySQL HeatWave: why is data or my query not off-loaded to HeatWave Cluster ?

We recently saw that we can benefit from using JSON documents with MySQL HeatWave cluster in OCI (HeatWave accelerator for MySQL Database Service).

However sometimes the data can’t be loaded to HeatWave Cluster or the query cannot use it.

And this is not always easy to understand why. Let’s get familiar on how to find the info.

Data not loaded in HW Cluster

Let’s see an example with this table (collection):

SQL > show create table listingsAndReviews\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: listingsAndReviews
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `listingsAndReviews` (
  `doc` json DEFAULT NULL,
  `_id` char(28) GENERATED ALWAYS AS
 (json_unquote(json_extract(`doc`,_utf8mb4'$._id'))) STORED NOT NULL,
  `_json_schema` json GENERATED ALWAYS AS 
  (_utf8mb4'{"type":"object"}') VIRTUAL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `$val_strict_B70EB65BDDBAB20B0EE5BB7532C9060C422A06F8` …
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MySQL Document Store in OCI with MySQL HeatWave

Since the release of MySQL 8.0, the MySQL X Dev API has provided users with the convenient ability to utilize MySQL without the need to write a single line of SQL!

MySQL X Dev API brings the support for CRUD operations on JSON documents that are stored in MySQL. MySQL Document Store is ACID compliant and is compatible with everything MySQL like replication, InnoDB Cluster, …

The MySQL X Dev API is available using the MySQL X Protocol, listening by default on port 33060.

If you are interested in learning more about MySQL Document Store, please refer to the these presentations [1], [2], [ …

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WordPress in OCI with MySQL HeatWave Read Replicas and MySQL Router R/W Splitting

Some time ago, we saw how we could deploy WordPress on OCI using MySQL HeatWave Database Service with Read Replicas. We had to modify WordPress to use a specific plugin that configures the Read/Write Splitting on the application (WordPress): LudicrousDB.

Today, we will not modify WordPress to split the Read and Write operations, but we will use MySQL Router 8.2.0 (see [1], [2], [3]).


The …

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Maximizing Performance of AWS RDS for MySQL with Dedicated Log Volumes

A quick configuration change may do the trick in improving the performance of your AWS RDS for MySQL instance. Here, we will discuss a notable new feature in Amazon RDS, the Dedicated Log Volume (DLV), that has been introduced to boost database performance. While this discussion primarily targets MySQL instances, the principles are also relevant to […]

MySQL data archiving: another use for HeatWave Lakehouse

The ability to store data on Object Storage and retrieve it dynamically when necessary is a notable advantage of Lakehouse when managing MySQL historical data we would like to archive.

Let’s illustrate this with the following table:

CREATE TABLE `temperature_history` (
  `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `time_stamp` timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  `device_id` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
  `value` decimal(5,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',
  `day_date` date GENERATED ALWAYS AS (cast(`time_stamp` as date)) STORED NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`day_date`),
  KEY `device_id_idx` (`device_id`)
/*!50500 PARTITION BY RANGE  COLUMNS(day_date)
(PARTITION p0_before2023_11 VALUES LESS THAN ('2023-11-01') ENGINE = InnoDB,
 PARTITION p2023_12 VALUES LESS THAN ('2023-12-01') ENGINE = InnoDB,
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Is MySQL HeatWave really faster ?

You may have come across numerous presentations showcasing MySQL HeatWave as a Query Accelerator for MySQL. However, if you have not yet had the opportunity to test it yourself (if you have, you already know the answer), allow us to conduct a test using actual data to determine the potential benefits of utilizing a MySQL HeatWave Cluster.

Data & Queries

The data is simple, some arduinos with a DHT22 sensor sending temperature and humidity.

So first let’s have a look at the amount of collected data:

select format_bytes(sum(data_length)) DATA,
       format_bytes(sum(index_length)) INDEXES,
       format_bytes(sum(data_length + index_length)) 'TOTAL SIZE'
from information_schema.TABLES order by data_length + index_length;
| 21.89 GiB | 14.06 GiB | 35.95 GiB  |
1 …
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